General Discussion

General DiscussionImpressive Dagger-Leshrac by Black^

Impressive Dagger-Leshrac by Black^ in General Discussion



      Hey, I suggest you to bookmark this thread and whenever you want to advertise for your youtube you just edit this thread, and put another link beneath your current video.

      This way we don't need all the advertisespam, and thread gets auto-bumped whenever you edit.

      Make a thread like: "DotACandies Superfmaevideoskas" or whatever u want to call it.


        I know this idea, but there are enough "haters" out there, that spam such a "Gameplay-Thread" to death...


          mr candies great videos! i love them


            although why are there only in total 16 kills and assists shown in the video when black had 43?

            ★ SHEWOLF NADINE ★

              Black^ had "only" 27 Kills and ofc I will show the best ones ;)


                I think you should actually do it. Dangdang could edit his message to express how he's all wet for your videos, some dudes will fill the first page for you and it'll be all nice and good. After that it will be more appealing for visitors - lot of replies = popular thread.

                You could update the video in the first post and copy it in the new post you make. This way it will always show up to date video for the newcomers while allowing to browse your previous videos by reading the thread.

                This comment was edited


                  omeged im loving your videos so much omeged c:::::::::888888

                  "haters" gives u more attention, so why don't you look positive on it?


                    score is 0-3, then suddenly 28-21. was there nothing between those scores that was worth watching?


                      Nice video, keep it up, but you could just create one thread instead of multiple ones as it has been suggested before.

                      ★ SHEWOLF NADINE ★

                        Ok, thank u so much for ur comments. Tomorrow, I will create a DotaCandies Gameplay Thread ;).

                        Yes, nothing special in that time :/ & some DCs...