General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone else have really lopsided dire/radiant win rates?

Anyone else have really lopsided dire/radiant win rates? in General Discussion

    I have a 59% Radiant win rate, with a 45% dire win rate. I haven't seen anyone else with anything close to a 14% swing. I feel like at this point it can't just be chance that I have such a big swing. I mainly offlane but I dunno if that changes much.

    Jay Ashborne

      Radiant OP. Radiant nerf nerf


        radiant offlane is better for the offlaner
        i expected some tinker / sf / naga top 3 played though


          ^ that and solo que puts you on the radiant more than dire
          your more comfortable and its easier, as well as less of a difference w/no rosh advantage (pubs take less rosh)


            dire 69%
            radiant 58%


            King of Low Prio

              if u solo more u will usually get more radiant wins

              if you group more you usually get more dire wins



                I knew it.. I knew it. You wanted to have it with me V-God. Knew it...


                  Well radiant is better for pubs for sure. Its better mid lane,better oflane..which means better early game which means easier to snowball which means more wins. Its much harder to gank a guy on midle who is radiant than a guy who is dire,also there is a mini camp close to mid which is perfect for mid players to find more quicly farm as well ancients also for heroes like Tinker well offlaners can pull neutrals and get exp. much easier so yeah..radiant is better for pubs as I said..just cus of early game, any kind of late game dire is better cus of Roshan advantage of course.

                  SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                    50% radiant
                    37% dire



                      It becomes even more interesting when you check hero winrates for dire and radiant. My TA winrate is significantly higher on dire than on radiant which is probably caused by the rosh advantage.


                        I have 62% radiant and 50% dire, which is understandable since I play mostly mid and radiant mid's way better


                          My win rates for both are not that different. But I seem to do better when I am Radiant. maybe people in the not very high brackets don't know how to take their roshan advantage so that's why IDK.


                            I have the biggest difference between winning percentage among you

                            43% radiant
                            60% dire


                              I only have .1% difference between the two


                                Dire 67.38%
                                Radiant 53.11%
                                No Stats Recorded 611 (gg)


                                  I have 58% on radiant, 43% on dire in past 6 months.
                                  Since I don't go mid that much recently, I got 68% on radiant and 65% on dire in past month.

                                  Radiant mid lane easy jungle, hard lane can pull...

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Radiant 54.35%
                                    Dire 48.87%

                                    Lots of solo games.

                                    la the yeezy

                                      64% radiant 43% dire.
                                      I do mid usually when solo queuing and i think it ups my chances a bit more.


                                        Mine are both equal lol