General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone looking to play with me/ add me for a friend?

Anyone looking to play with me/ add me for a friend? in General Discussion

    Im looking for people around 3k MMR, who enjoys the game.
    I deleted all of 100 friends except 10 people who i think are considered kind or players that have higher MMR then me.
    As Wink advised me to do if i wanted to improve was to delete some friends who he considered "below average players (he said retarded :P)" and have a positive attitude. I'm not saying I deserve better than the rest of the fellas...
    anyone who is around pre 3k ~early 3k.. add me cuz im in 2997~2971 MMR-ish

    King of Low Prio

      that is pretty pathetic

      Quick maffs

        Dude you didnt need to delete people below you to get better, you can improve even by playing with people below your mmr.

        I dont know man i would never delete someone cause they are worst than me

        Anyway how can you still play at normal bracket when your winrate is almost 55 % ?

        kanye went to uni

          haha did wink really tell you to do that?

          Quick maffs

            Wink is a bit insane


              playing with better players help you improve faster whats the issue

              kanye went to uni

                man if everyone deleted people worse than them i'd still be 2k trashvoker i think

                King of Low Prio

                  the issue is deleting everyone that is below you, which is why it is pretty pathetic


                    At least he's not exclusively asking for higher rated players to play with him, that would be hypocritical.


                      but playing with people worse than you doesnt help you improve


                        And why not? Any playing time in theory should help, and if you're playing with people worse you at least have the opportunity to experiment more with items and builds.


                          just ask any mmr booster if they have improved their gameplay after boosting their accounts lol. when you play people lower than you the mindset is always to find the best way to exploit the opp's badness


                            Not being silly, but if I played with people 2k people of course I would not improve, but if I played with 4k people nothing is to say I wouldn't.

                            You've taken the argument to an extreme, it's like saying professional footballers wouldn't learn from having a kick around with friends, this much is obvious, however, what about professional footballers playing with the some of the best semi-professional players?

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                            Ples Mercy

                              What a load of bullshit, you actually listened to wink, how fucking stupid are you?

                              Just because they have low MMR doesn't mean they are utter shit. Actually i have a lot of people in my friendslist who are way lower than me and actually help me stay on a high level. When you sepctate games or have a conversation with lower 'MMRd' players you actually keep getting reminded of not doing basic mistakes. Even pro players sometimes forget basics and lose because of it.

                              Not to mention that a 2k player has the potential to learn fast at some point and suddenly after a year that guy who had a 2,1k rating is now a 6k player and you are still jerking off @ 3k.

                              Advice from me:
                              Delete wink for making such a stupid fucking suggestion.


                                For once Blunt has a point, pun intended.


                                  ya you could improve if you played with 4ks but probably more if u played with 6ks?

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    why exactly would high MM players play with some lowlife would would delete all of his friends because they serve no 'purpose' to him anymore. I suggest you buy a coach because nobody here will be your friend for free with how you act.

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                                      Seriously - if u really want to improve the way you think and play, u got to play with better players then yourself. That's a fact. Of course you can learn from everybody - even 2k players sometimes, but in general thats not true. I dont see anything bad in deleting people you dont even play with and are there only for a number, especially if they're really bad or have a bad attitude. Deleting people, cause some dick told u too and u believed him is a whole different and miserable story. Learn to think with ur head and start using brain, watch pro and high mmr players, see some tutorials and mostly - develop your own way of play. I think thats the fastest way you'll improve, the most important is the better understanding of the game, rest will follow.

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        Bullshit. You won't imrpove by playing with better players. Sheever is the best example. She has a 3,2k Solo rating and plays a lot with pro players. She cannot improve because she only gets carried by the pros. She gets told to do stuff but never why. In the end if someone is being told to do certain stuff with no explanation people will think it's always good, whcih is NOT the case. In the end you will end up being WORSE than before.

                                        Get that fucking idea out of your head. You do not improve by playing with better skilled players. I know a 3,2k player who could teach OP a hell of a lot more than the avg 6k player could.

                                        nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                          ^Yep, but sometimes, when you're playing with lower skill friends, you tend to feel way too good about your playstyle and skills, because you'll be the one who carries the team whenever you win, and when you get into that point, you won't feel the need to improve and become a better player.

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                                            I still play support when I play with lower skilled friends.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I would instantly delete anyone on my friends list who did what the OP did.

                                              Ples Mercy

                                                @Vasile Lopataru:

                                                actually sometimes you even learn how to win ur lane harder and become a better captain cuz you have to tell people what do to. It can go both ways.


                                                  This is pretty ridiculous... I've been playing with people worse than me my whole life and this has never been an issue to my evolution as a player. Actually playing with weaker players lets you easily see their mistakes (because they are more frequent and more visible) and this makes your gameplay more solid.


                                                    Then again, not eveybody learns the same way nor do they react the same way to a specific situation or the same factors. Whether playing with people lower than you makes you improve or stagnate depends a lot on the person playing.

                                                    Edit: Still no excuse to delete people for such a banal reason though.

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                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                      OP, let me tell you a story.

                                                      Wink and I played some together. One game he was playing tinker and I told him my opinion of how that hero is flavor of the month and explained why I hate creating thirty minutes of space for a hero that basically just does nothing. (Imho) Wink disagrees and spends the next 15 minutes crying about he was confused how nyx could find him in the trees why the rest of the party explains how easy it is to see march direction.

                                                      Wink dodges me for the next few games. I message him and ask why? He says because we lose together. Wink and I have a 60% winrate together. This isn't some vroksnak/chris level good, but clearly we don't lose together that often. When he said that, I promptly removed him from my friendlist, and alot of friends that I play with which he liked now avoid him.

                                                      Dota isn't always about winning. I have played with sub 2k players. I have also played with near 6 k players. I learned things and improved from both games. Find people you can trust and rely on. Don't have faith in some rand who only cares about winning. Let me break it to you. Having a 55% winrate or a 6k mmr, you're still a fucking pub player who will never make money from this game.

                                                      Wink likes flavor of the month things. IE : his Q/W invoker, his tinker. That's fine good for him, however my friends will stick by my side regardless of wins or losses. I suggest you find people you can do the same with.


                                                        haha you are toxic


                                                          holy shit Guiri that pun was on point!


                                                            Play dota they said..
                                                            it will be fun they said


                                                              ok my friends are about 1.3k ~ 2k MMR :P
                                                              And why wink said they are retarded and i should never play with them was that they got extremely mad when he told them to carry a tp and that they don't listen to u


                                                                Why do u guys emphasize the point that I deleted them because of their MMR?
                                                                Didn't I say in the sentence that kind or higher MMR then me?
                                                                The only people I decided not to delete was Havoc , Wink and some Euro guy because they are a regular dotabuff user and they had higher MMR then me... when did i say i deleted them because of the MMR issue? u guys are emphasizing it too much :(
                                                                The reason why i deleted them was actually my team (ninja turtles :P) ... i came to a conclusion that I can't play with them... they force u to support and not let me carry much... they either play mid or even if i mid, tells me to gank every time while they pick like 2 junglers... not because i hate people below me... and stop turning those words around :( T.T


                                                                  "I deleted all of 100 friends except 10 people who i think are considered kind or players that have higher MMR then me.
                                                                  As Wink advised me to do if i wanted to improve was to delete some friends who he considered "below average players (he said retarded :P)" and have a positive attitude. I'm not saying I deserve better than the rest of the fellas...
                                                                  anyone who is around pre 3k ~early 3k.. add me cuz im in 2997~2971 MMR-ish"

                                                                  Read it again.