General Discussion

General Discussionhave u ever seen a quad lane mid be4

have u ever seen a quad lane mid be4 in General Discussion

    tinker pugna and axe were trilane and both spectre/silencer came in every 20-30 seconds. cool ass game.


      I've seen a trilane NP/Enchantress/Chen mid before.

      We took all the towers in like 7 minutes and still lost.


        Why is your templar yellow look so cool


          google black and yellow ta there is some reddit link explaining how to do it


            Nope, just a tri lane sometimes.


              saw a pentalane mid once for the first few minutes it looked like we were fucked, but we got more farm between fights (even though we lost a ton of towers) and ended up out leveling/farming them


                well we got all towers and they didnt get anything but i was 70% sure that we would lose since furion was dying to solo spectre every single time he tried to push and tinker was a cunt making it impossible to break hg

                ICE SKULL

                  i think its more fun seeing people 5 man dota after 6-7 minutes and you go between enemy t1 and t2 to creep skip and they have no clue what to do while you get exp+gold advantage
                  i had a game yesterday with pugna furi viper dp and they were lvl 10 while i was lvl 16 at 24 minutes


                  ICE SKULL

                    ops they weren't with me, they were against me*


                      quad lane? i've seen people 5 man from min 1 a year ago.
                      They were all frustrated because they all picked carries.
                      They tried to rosh lv 1 but we stopped it and then they started to 5 man all game.
                      They lost of course.

                      This comment was edited

                        There was a Korean pro game where a new pub star team formed and went pro and in their very first game they went 5 man mid. They won.


                          holy shit so ez games against this shitty deathball strat
                          they took all towers in 20 mins and razor was like 13 when i was 22 (y meepo but still)