General Discussion

General DiscussionShould MMR decrease with time not played ?

Should MMR decrease with time not played ? in General Discussion

    This is the second time where I made a 2-month break and I started to play on my 5k+ account.
    I prepared myself with getting in shape before I started playing ranked. Now I lost all the solo ranked games I have played though I think it was not mayorly my fault we did, however I am losing now to people which were constantly playing and of course it is a little frustrating.

    Should there be sth like MMR decrease after pauses or play 15 games before you start playing RMM again ?

    Anyone faced this problem ? Any Ideas ? Opinions ?


      play bot games


        are you fucking serious ? :D


          play 1 week of unranked


            if u just want to chill play bot games
            im serious
            or play some custom maps, there are instructions on steam pages since it doesnt seem like u care to climb the ladder and prefer to just enjoy the game

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

              When u left doto some time u lose skills so your mmr will decrease


                get smurf?


                  You lose shape but you wont lose skill. And I dislike it decreasing it naturally through a 10 game losing streak. A mechanic of avoidance.

                  Yeah I have been doing this, or ranked with friends cause it tend to give better results

                  I got a smurf, but it was on a different set up.
         , however mmr is noticeably lower

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                    I don't think it should happen because people "get rusty" but I'd be fine with ranking decay. It's a legit system.


                      WC3 had ladder decay, but it favors players who have more time to play games.

                      But this doesn't matter in dota 2 because there is no ranking system (leaderboards are shit)

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                        ^Exactly what I would like to see

                        However it should be under certain condition eg after 1 month you lose 1% of mmr a day or after some time you have to replay your ranked games and prove your worth again.


                          No it shouldn't, because that would make me S A D B O I .


                            I mean get smurf with level 13 and post-calibrated with 5k