General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat should I do as a broodmother after taking one set of rax?

What should I do as a broodmother after taking one set of rax? in General Discussion
Hafla Enjoyer

    Going to another lane and setting up a new home will take too much time. So what should I do?

    Quick maffs

      nothing you are a fucking broodmother

      you run around without doing nothing


        just stay there and keep pushing , smone has 2 def ezpzzzzzzz


          Depends on your Team, Opponents, Mindset

          Either you pressure, enjoy 13 cs a minute or create time.

          MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

            kill tier 4s then hide in their ancient


              The ancient also gives Truesight.

              MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                its really hard to see because the ancient model covers your hero model, so unless they know you are there you're safe


                  stop crawling on the wall in my shower

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                    Spinach Rag

                      Move to enemy jungle and ward the living shit out of it.