General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is there so many Spanish people in party ranked?

Why is there so many Spanish people in party ranked? in General Discussion

    When playing solo, I usually get English people and even when I get Spanish people they're fairly decent. But whenever I want to play party ranked with a few friends, we get matched with all Spanish people on both teams. Am I missing something? Are the Spanish just social creatures?


      Hablo Espaniol Si Puta Madre!


        Because anglophones have no friends Kappa!


          English from spain or Latina american?

          I'm from Costa Rica and me and my friends play on US East because we get less ping there than in the stupid South American server. And not everyone from latin america is an idiot, we too want to kill peruvians, who usually are the most retarded ones, then again of course, there are retarded people everywhere.

          Also we can use chat easily in English so there's no problem communicating, but if we were someone who doesn't know how to do that I'll queue in South Server.

          This comment was edited

            I actually don't have a problem with the Spanish stacks that I run into. Usually they coordinate pretty well and have at least one English speaker for translate. If not, I know enough Spanish to explain I don't speak spanish and to ping at me if they want something.

            I have the exact opposite problem as OP though - I keep running into Spanish solo queues that don't make any attempt to coordinate with their English-speaking team =/

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

              Thats because our english suck and we have to play stacked for have a decent consversation.

              And... i supouse you are on low skill bracket mb 1.8-2.5k mmr so u have the same mm than the spanish people.

              Hex Sigma

                why not?