General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Enchantress Practise

My Enchantress Practise in General Discussion

    Generally I think it is a great hero with great strengths and just a few weaknesses however I got a little frustrated recently.

    In general I do not think it is a solo Pub hero which can easily with game with, especially with the change that advantage is so much more punished.

    Last 2 games I took part in atleast 6 early kills without dieing, helping greatly out in the lane and getting great farm. Problem was that those games were still very even and could end in ether ways favor even when I gave my teama big advatnage.

    Blah blah QQ blah blah playing ench blah blah patch doesnt favor ench blah blah

    waku waku

      too situational to play
      by the way how many times did you get hooked and killed your last game as her?


        A couple of times, midgame he was the only one that could kill me.
        Never said I played flawless:P

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          Enchantress los 3% of her winrate since patch. That's a lot.


            +5MS MY ASS


              @Moku: We need to wait at least a week - probably two - before we can say anything definite.


                really I thought she would be stronger this patch since she is good against right clicking carry's and scales well with farm/lvls for a support.

                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  She requires like 100% team coordination. It's hard to commit with her unless your team is behind you. You need to end shit early.

                  Low Expectations

                    She is an early game hero, Arka knows nothing support Spectra is the new meta


                      She is not only a early game hero. She has great lategame presence with good positioning. She can pretty much 4-5 hit any support and most agility carrys. You are nowhere near being forced to end early however you should build up on a great early game.

                      Enough data has been gathered already. If a hero has been played already 62,589 times you can assume the data is more or less accurate.

                      @The number 12
                      She is sturdy against most heroes, kills a lot of heroes easily, is great late. The gold/exp meta just doesnt suit even less



                        Did someone say enchantress? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


                          I know most of the stuff about enchantress since i really am an oldschool player

                          Also, how i made the decision to play ench

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                   you knew about crimson guard before it existed, icefrog, is that you ?




                                Getting a fast Bloodstone/heart could help a lot. HP scales really well with Untouchable preventing you from dieing to autoattacks, suicide button is going to prevent streaks from passing on and the general bulkiness of the hero built this way lets you survive being caught out.


                                  @Akuzuma: You had two matches that were each 17 minutes long. I didn't know that was possible.