General Discussion

General DiscussionPathing near top rune

Pathing near top rune in General Discussion

    You noticed that weird pathing near top rune when you are heading there from dire's mid? Its like you go around some invisible obstacle


      nah, it was just Riki.


        No it wasnt.

        Go make a lobby, go from T1 to the top rune spot and you wont go straight there, u will go around some invisible shit man.

        Weird thing is, sometimes the pathing is normal, sometimes it goes that weird way

        As you can see on the pic he isnt going straight forward, he is taking some weird path even tho I clicked directly on the rune spot

        This comment was edited
        one and half gun

          yes ive noticed the same

          if ur radiant and click on the rune, he goes to that spot too where the line changes


            I've noticed it too, seems totally unnecessary...


              Of course its unnecessary, its a bug bro.

              Made a thread about it on dev.dota tho


                make a thread on reddit. with picture. works better.


                  Well im not a redditfag so I think Im gonna pass.

                  Im surprised that not many people have noticed it already, I noticed it almost the first time I played mid after this patch


                    A lot of poeple might have noticed it, but not everyone are d*t4buff f4g5 writing about everything that comes over them


                      happens when come to radiant base from the top t2, when you go down the stairs you sort of move closer to the left


                        worst spot is between radiant top t1 and tree, hero goes around the tower, it's old.. I doubt they fixed it in 6.82,
                        pathing sux in this game