General Discussion

General Discussion6.82= feed and win

6.82= feed and win in General Discussion

    Seems like it, if you feed all game long, than suddenly you win one team fight you get 3k gold buy new items and win a game. I lost so many games by 20k exp advantage as well as gold and won games where I feed and play very bad first 20-30 min. but one fight change everything I kinda dislike this shit..


      6.82b is basically almost the same as 6.81 with very minor tweaks...


        Same? Only games longer by average by 10 min. graphs going up and down so easily and different map with much less space to do jukes.

        Midi Prill

          This comeback shit is bullshit and feels very forced. I've had games where we are 30 kills up and lost, I've had games where we were 25 kills down and won. Sure it's cool if that happens once in a while, but not seemingly every 2-3rd game.

          It's like the laning phase doesn't even matter anymore, what a slap in the face. it feels very casualized.

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            The numbers have been scaled back already with some minor patches so that I don't think its worth throwing the early game to fight an uphill battle for short term benefit.
            Picking a 4-5 carry team and just trying to survive to the lategame might be legit, though.


              the map has much more space to do jukes.... and given a 10k gold lead killing the farmed carry solo only yields about 20-30% more gold than before


                more space to do jukes ? is this april fool ?


                  let's see... more paths in the treeline, more routes between areas... how is there less space to do jukes?

                  @"laning phase doesnt matter anymore"

                  yea right, maybe it's because you all just don't know how to get more out of the laning phase - check out this game I played against rave stack minus jeyo, won it off the laning phase alone


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                    I played against a terrorblade a few games back whose exact strategy was to feed until a certain point and then just sunder and kill whomever he fed later in the game. Was kind of weird...

                    And there is definitely more ability to juke now >.>


                      because its not fuckin paths but highways ? its like saying you can make jukes in the river.



                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          1. Pick TA
                          2. Snowball out of control
                          3. Die and give them gold
                          4. Kill them and take more gold
                          5. ???
                          6. FitPro

                          Low Expectations

                            Dota now = Lol2.0


                              I love how the 3-12 SF in Zenoth's game still has 450+ gpm without midas, wish I knew how to do that.


                                well hes one of the oldest competitive players in the SEA scene and has tonnes of experience playing from behind, I probably couldn't do the same in his position either

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I haven't noticed the new gold changes effecting outcomes of any of my games. I've been in one comeback and lost to a comeback team but it was always picks/game length related. The biggest difference now seems to be matches going much later thus the teams with more hard carries win late. One game the enemy picked sk, pudge, axe, AA with mirana as the carry. I mean how are you going to kill any towers with that? Yes your teamfight is awesome but towers are harder to kill. They lost despite ending game up 10 kills.

                                  Another game I was PA and game went 50+ mins and every carry on the other team got mkb and raped me.


                                    @Last Unicorn: Please elaborate.


                                      not him but only the juke points and rosh pit. maybe im wrong


                                        947 gpm 6 slotted PL at 36 minutes - literally antimage.

                                        Fuck me.