General Discussion

General Discussionwhat would you pick against this

what would you pick against this in General Discussion

    just wondering sice i ran out of ideas on this one.


      Voker QW , silencer , Nyx , and some other setups can fuck up this ^


        i would add a PL with diffusal for 1. pusing 2. ganking WK (diffusal => manaburn => no ult)

        waku waku

          void alone could make things hard for them
          warlock could too especially with void


            You can beat them earlygame with better lanesetup (ranged nukes). Lich, Viper, Huskar every strong laner. If you punish them hard enough early.They pick 5 melee strengtheros.


            Heros that ignore armor,pure damage dealers and %-based Damage: Lifestealer, Ursa, Necro, Enigma, Zeus. They have % Damagesources or hit harder with every hit (Ursa). Doom, to counter everyone, silencer to permit the primal split and to control the lanes. Invoker.

            Nukers will not help midgame, since they all have a shitton of hp.

            This comment was edited

              Farming sand king would be great on lane!


                Nyx is probably the biggest counter to WK along with a QW invoker.


                  A bunch of forcestaffs and some ranged carry would do fine too.