[Anonymous]: they removed
[Anonymous]: captain's draft
[Anonymous]: from ranked
[Anonymous]: AHAHAHAHA
ISM: how am i going to maintain my 5k mmr now
ISM: :(((
[Anonymous]: rip
ISM: why'd they remove it
ISM: o.O
[Anonymous]: Removed Captains Draft mode from ranked matchmaking. There were too few players in this mode which caused excessive wait times, imbalanced matches, and potential for MMR abuse.
[Anonymous]: LMAO
[Anonymous]: valve knew
ISM: lmao
[Anonymous]: u got caught son
[Anonymous]: XD
ISM: how's that worse than people who pick OP heroes
ISM: for 300 games
[Anonymous]: they added a peruvian server though
ISM: to inflate their MMRs
ISM: didn't 2c inflate his mmr to 5900 by picking phx in 6.79
ISM: now he's like 5200
ISM: or some shit
[Anonymous]: he played phoenix
[Anonymous]: all day
ISM: yes
[Anonymous]: back when phoenix
[Anonymous]: was so fuckin
[Anonymous]: GAY
ISM: why isn't valve
[Anonymous]: FUCK
ISM: concerned
ISM: about people like that
ISM: ?????
[Anonymous]: well
[Anonymous]: at least if u spam pick gay shit
[Anonymous]: in all pick
[Anonymous]: ur against decent players
[Anonymous]: captains draft
[Anonymous]: if u are 7k
[Anonymous]: the spread
[Anonymous]: will be so bad
[Anonymous]: i can't evne imagine
[Anonymous]: what kinda games
ISM: god
[Anonymous]: high 5k would get
[Anonymous]: in captaind raft
ISM: cd/cm is literally a free win if ur 5k
ISM: every game i play position 1 in
ISM: an -ap game
ISM: my 4k mmr support
ISM: like literally
ISM: just lets me solo against offlane tide/wr/etc.
ISM: and then wonders why i'm not farming
ISM: well
ISM: fucking idiots
ISM: i can easily tell who's 5k or not
ISM: just by what they do
[Anonymous]: safelane
[Anonymous]: is not
ISM: in first 5 min
[Anonymous]: good
[Anonymous]: to play
ISM: yes
[Anonymous]: in solo ranked
ISM: i agree
[Anonymous]: if u get shit suports
ISM: it's not good
[Anonymous]: u wil get fucked
ISM: if u want to raise ur mmr
[Anonymous]: mid and offlane
[Anonymous]: are the best
[Anonymous]: for winning games
ISM: but my mid sux and the only "supports" i like to play are farming ones like sand king
ISM: cuz otherwise u run around with cm and end up being someone's bitch all game
[Anonymous]: if u have a good sand king
ISM: wait
ISM: did they remove captain's mode as well
[Anonymous]: n
[Anonymous]: CM is still there
ISM: nice
ISM: ok
[Anonymous]: only CD
ISM: time to abuse cm
[Anonymous]: ROFL
ISM: if u look at my dotabuff i literally have like 3% of my ranked solo games
ISM: on cm/cd
ISM: so it's w/e
ISM: i probably gained like 125 points total
ISM: since ranked came out
ISM: i wasn't planning on playing more than 20% on cm/cd
ISM: it's just more like
ISM: "if i lose 100 mmr in ap mode i'm switching over"
ISM: and u know the funniest part is
ISM: the 2 south americans
ISM: i got on my team
ISM: who spoke spanish
ISM: were actually decent
ISM: it's those shitty americans who whine
ISM: like i was playing slark
ISM: and the lion went afk
ISM: and d/c
ISM: so i was soloing against wr
ISM: which was an awful early game
ISM: and some 4k mmr retard was complaining about how "their spec is getting free farm and slark's farming too slow"
ISM: are people that fucking retarded
ISM: what do they expect
ISM: the team to do
ISM: abandon their lanes
ISM: to shut down the carry?
ISM: fucking mongoloids
[Anonymous]: americans
ISM: it's like i'm talking to a fucking robot
[Anonymous]: are actually worse
ISM: or something
[Anonymous]: than SA plaers
[Anonymous]: they are
[Anonymous]: so FUCKEN
[Anonymous]: ENTITLED
[Anonymous]: FUCKEN
[Anonymous]: 4700 MMR SHITS
ISM: thank god i'm not 4700
^ only a few people play this mode so u can ez sandboxie and match ur bots with u on weird servers with retarded language
it was about time
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