Razor. The rest played really well, but the midrazor did everything he could do, to make the game lose.
The scoreboard is a bit painful to look at but the enemy did have 4 core heroes and an aghanim AA so not too surprised that you lose ultra lategame.
Your whole team fed, game is about teamwork. Lastly u didn't pick a legit carry like TB. 9v1 is the rage version of Hael. He's Benao & wave + rage.
? how is hael anything like me
are you fucking autistic, you realize hael is similar to 99% of the posters here since ur most 3k garbage trashcans deluding yourself in elo hell theories
Of course there is no elo hell when you abuse game mechanics and sandbox.
Isn't that right lol wave*cough*noteligbleforinclusion*cough*
no way hes close to benao or wave with that win rate. that comparsion sounds like an insult to the other players. sub 50% winrate on FV :Facepalm:
what can i say about games like these though, they are so common in dota but because it was clear u should have won, it always hard to forget these losses
ive been accused of using sandbox before by another person, at least post match ids if you want to troll around fucking f aggot
it's ok to lie if you look like this http://puu.sh/bFTpC.jpg
Riiiiight.... Like it's possible to track you on one of the 30 smurfs you play on. Please elaborate to me how you earned your mmr wave and how skillful you are. I find it very creepy that you keep pictures of me so easily on hand. I honestly don't know what you'e getting at by posting it lol, yea that's me.
Zeus tbd bro, god you earned that 5 k status. R to win wave. R to 5k. Such intensive skill from a player who "earned" their calibration matches with tbd zeus.
lol fuckin sad
are you going to stop being autistic and link to a match id where im doing sandboxie you ugly piece of shit
You think I'm ugly? Oh my.. such hateful words from an unskilled tbd zeus. Lol... you think your opinion of me matters... lol... You abuse in one way or another. It's all the same. Still tbd zeus backpacked trash.
i dont think you're ugly, i know you are ugly and autistic
so when is that sandboxie match id appearing, oh right never
You have two heal based heroes and they picked appartion. I'm kind of surprised it even went 80 mins.
And razor's build sucks. If he goes aghs + refresher instead of deso + manta maybe you win.
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Most Kills: Check
Most Lasthits: Check
Most Hero Damage: Check
Lost: Check
Some guys just deserve a special place in hell. This guy fed earlygame, left us alone midgame, and died far outside base farming without buyback ready, while we had 2 lanes allready taken...
If I could punch him in the face, I would. And this what runs arround in 4.5 k.
4 Records broken, not 3. Forgot most gold.