General Discussion

General Discussionember spirit op

ember spirit op in General Discussion
MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

    Its too ez, even if enemy team has orchids. Gonna start spamming ember in ranked to get out of normal skill once and for all. Got a taste of very high, and I want to get there permanently.


      Keywords in OP: orchids, normal skill, high, too ez


      I guess that 44% winrate doesn't isn't a cause of nOrmal BrAckEt GaMEs


        I personally consider him towards the weaker side.


          No, he's not op. He's effective in shit tier bracket because he's decent at farming (shield + sof). It doesn't matter if you roflstomp him in lane, he will always have farm because the games in this bracket go to very late game even when they could have been won 20 mins in.
          People here also suck at locking people down, chainstunning, prioritizing targets, following up initiations or counterinitiating, which makes ember's life incredibly easy (most of the time you won't even need a bkb because of this).

          So yeah, he's not op, just effective against garbage players like us.


            slark is op

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                Anti Mage op"st in normal bracket -- just go ring>treads> max18min bf > farm> yasha> manta> farm/rat doto take towers> abyssal > heart > butterfly gg wp. Anti is so e z in normal bracket you have 1% of losing.


                  Strong - yes, OP - no. He is glasscannon, ofcourse he will dish out loads of damagez if you ignore him. Just bring silence and 2 empty slots for his rapiers.

                  Dire Wolf

                    I don't think he's op at all, he has a great escape and is mobile, but storm is a better hero with better lock down and once ember's fire shield wears off he is so squishy. As long as you don't let him snowball he's not that effective.


                      your build is bad btw, why 2x crit 1x BF ?

                      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                        fountain farming