General Discussion

General Discussionwon 10 ranked games in a row with medusa =D

won 10 ranked games in a row with medusa =D in General Discussion

    What MMR are you now?


      very low still like the 3ks but i just started playing ranked hoping i will keep climbing


        Your unranked games are currently in high skill. Meaning you'll probably stop climbing somewhere in the 3.2-3.5k range probably


          mostly started playing it because im tired of seeing pa arcana in every unranked ....this event is such bullshit lol most of the ppl suck with pa or dont consider the team comp they just pick pa no matter what to get items


            your prolly right.... I played wc3 dota for years tho hoping i can make it into 4k..... maybe just need to get the rust off...

            on that note anyone remember thr and dota cash?

            edit: if anyone whos way better than me has any advice on how to win even more with medusa plz review my games give me advice!

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            THICC BABY SHUM

              @HotSalza, high skill goes to 3700 mmr and if you won 10 games in row your prob within 3600 mmr, gl

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                naw but i started at lower than 3k

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  when did u get calibrated? long time ago? or recently?


                    one of my close irl friends has a 5k medusa and was one of the highest rated on dotacash in dota 1, what do you want to know? i drafted for our lineup in both games and can answer any questions.


                      he said NEVER get midas- get yasha for farmspeed or maelstrom if your team can protect you until you get the big item after maelstrom. 90% of the time you want yasha, 7% of the time you want linkens, 3% of the time you want maelstrom. These are subject to playstyle as well, but generally the yasha->manta->other items is the general build. Other items includes literally anything, determined by lineup. Medusa really requires a lot common sense/game knowledge. You also want to try and get away with going mid as the 1 role. That last sentence is really the most important. Doing dusa mid with strong roamers and a stable safelane solo is the best in our experiences.

                      She's also one of the strongest carries in the pub lineup these days with the gold swing/guaranteed lategame.