General Discussion

General DiscussionI can't win any game! Help me!

I can't win any game! Help me! in General Discussion

    For 1 week i just can't win a game of dota.My dota lv is 103 and i have 2900 MMR.I tried pubs, in where i played support, mid, and offlane, and i didn't win.I tried after ranked, and i just lost.In ranked i try to support, i buy wards everytime all the game, but in the end i lose.I don't know why.Can you give me some advices? I want to have fun again, and to win again.

    i love u butt

      learn to counter pick, if u dont know how to...learn to play jugg/fv/wk

      they are ez to learn and play and dont have real counters (no one plays a good am/invoker pre-3k)


        until you learn that wassting money on wards is not what a support is then you sjould me stuck at your current mmr. you're just not good enough!.

        try to think a bit on how you play, watch a game of yourself and see if you¨'re even useful in the game. i bet you arent


          Wait... "Wards are waste of money",- is that what you saying? Wardbitch like me is offended by your statement!

          I don't understand DOTA either. Look like the harder you try - the harder is to win. But when I do nothing whole match, win drops into my hands without any resistance. Look at this match:

          I was the captain and I followed dumbest aurastacking strategy. And I did only 5,3k herodamage as a carry Drow (I'm worst carry player on Earth, but teammates took all other heroes). I don't deserve this win.

          Or look at one of my AA games:

          My role in those games is no more than a rune ward. Yes, you heard it - WARD!

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            there's no such thing as wardbitch. Tell me do you even know the purpose of wards?
            edit, do you know the role of the support?

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              I give my first ward to oflaner and use second ward to give vision on top rune. Later I place wards near entrance to our jungle or behind enemy towers when we try to push them. In late game I drop wards mostly around Roshan or highground at enemy base.

              King of Low Prio

                If you have a set pattern for warding each game then you have alrdy failed as a support


                  ^Wards don't have unobstructed flying vision, so there are only ~20 good spots to place ward and ~20 very situational spots with high risk of being useless. So, you have to follow some "pattern" more or less.

                  P.S. If I have no idea where to place ward, I ask my teammates.

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                    LMAO @Soultrap


                      If you play "support, mid, and offlane", try carry.


                        My recent game = placed with low brain 3k mmr tb (I usually roam about 4,5-5k w/o boosting) who was against almost that braindead bs, still he managed to get 4k damage in whole game. Outdamaged by rubick.


                        GGWP Gaben's MM is good, never actually was bad.

                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                          Why do you think you deserve to win if you don't put any effort into it?


                            yea yea copy paste this in every topic maybe Gabe gonna notice


                              Don't expect every teamfight to happen perfectly in 2.5k-3.5k ranked solo. Learn to play carry, offlane or safelane, and carry yourself to victory. If you have retard teammates who only asks for group fights and feeds first, split push and force TP and TP back if needed to fight 5v3 fights. A lot of times I go solo pushing and farming to avoid dying with the team and play safe to maintain my farm.

                              Only go full support with your friends, or people you can rely on. I don't know how many times I've been disappointed after putting so much effort on giving vision and losing because of people being overconfident.

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                                Add me on Steam man! I'm 2.9k and willing to try cpts mode in stack or something, I'm on losing streak too :/

                                Tiny Airlines

                                  They need to nerf earthshaker so badly so i never see him again. He stuns way too much, and omniknight is right up there too.



                                    J. Coldfeet

                                      nerf earthshaker? lmao

                                      Harry hamburgerryg

                                        i recently went down from 3800 to 3400 in almost one lose streak. Now i'm back at 3750. I got a few tips from havoc some of them were: 1: pick strong mid game and try and pull them down mid game by 5 manning 2: carry a tp early game as a carry even and tp to even fights. Also something else i learned, don't be selfish and rude. Help the team in every possible way, even if your team is flaming you. And stop blaming ur teammates for mistakes, it'll only get worse if u do. Focus on how you're playing on your own insted.

                                        Tiny Airlines

                                          Wkkke - It's funny cause it's true.

                                          His passive constantly causes even more stuns when he uses Enchant Totem. Is this necessary?


                                            play abaddon


                                              ^ Can confirm... abbadon wreks shit tier... I really need to find another easymode "run-at-em" hero... people don't know what to do when my 5 role ward bitch horse comes a running... How that's a thing, I just don't know.

                                              EDIT: Lol, that guys abba is slighly different to mine... but he seems to trash with it... so hell, seems like abba is good at all roles.

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                                              Tiny Airlines


                                                Had another loss because our brewmaster sat in base all fucking game. Gave up I think after one fight I don't remember what time it was on there. He said stuff like "I fuck america" and proceeded to piss us off.


                                                This second game I was with Mirana and we kept getting ganked multiple times, shutting me down and angering me really horribly. Pudge didn't go blink dagger before hood and would refuse to hook.

                                                Stop giving me teammates that don't do shit or I'm going to start calling Valve's customer service every loss. Dota 2 is not fun to play if I keep losing over and over and over again - it's horribly infuriating.

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                                                  I find that playing with a coach refreshes my view of the game. is a community of 50 coaches or so from 5000-7000 MMR. If you go to the site and log in through Steam I've credited your account with one free hour with a coach. Try it out and see if they can give you some fresh advise on a hero you already love.

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