General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't take it anymore

Can't take it anymore in General Discussion

    I know this is beating a dead horse, but the flood of peruvians and south americans on US west is really ruining dota for me.

    They are obnoxious, they are rude, all they ever say is REPORT, NOOB, comment me! .l.

    they almost always pick mid, they almost always have sub par performances, and I would just love, frikken LOVE if people spoke english on english servers more than just 1/10 games.

    3 games this morning, and all 3 filled with peruvian team mates on US west, and peruvians on the other team pausing mid fight to cus people out in spanish.....





        I play on US West all the time and I havnt seen a single Peruvian since they got a server, and I hope you do realize ur a fucking racist shit. If you get matched with them that means you are as good as them and actually worst because they dont speak English and still manage to play as good as you.

        Tiny Airlines

          The same happened to me today.

          First game, Brewmaster quit playing and stood in base
          Second game, Pudge didn't go blink first after boots

          I've already lost 5 games in a row and I'm tempted to start contacting customer support and letting them know what a horrible job they're doing with this game today.


            Try other modes. Seriously just give cm and captains draft a shot.

            Tiny Airlines

              Last time I did CM/CD I was matched against Omniknight and Earthshaker and we lost. Like, my god, is it THAT hard to fucking balance this game?

              Dota 2 is starting to become really boring and infuriating to play - it's much more fun when I'm winning and not being chewed up every round.


                "Dota 2 is starting to become really boring and infuriating to play - it's much more fun when I'm winning and not being chewed up every round."

                Sure. I'm pretty sure that's almost everyone's wish to win the game. But who is going to be the loser then? Think about it.


                  Earthshaker is overpowered now? Ok

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    I think es is like in top 5 supports, omni is shit until valve delets diffuzal but it only got buffed.


                      how does not wanting to play with obnoxious, rude, arrogant people that spam ping, and blame anyone on their team that doesn't have an awesome KDA make me a racist fuck?

                      and I don't have a problem with losing, I have a problem with the attitudes of a LOT of peruvian and south american players. The reputation they have was earned, it didn't materialize out of thin air.


                        Pfft, just learn a few words in spanish to mock the other team each time they die. Create tension and havoc among them and it's an ez win. Works every time. Peruvian here to confirm strategy.


                          maybe you're not that good yourself? Have you considered being the worst player in your team? Are you saying people should praise you for playing like shit?

                          And if you got a problem with their communication towards you just mute them and assume they are americans. It's not hard, just get over it and grow up already.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            @Fuzzyfoot- F*** PERUVIANS
                            have you read ur name?
                            just applying a race and saying that ALL of Peruvians suck at dota is retarded and racist.