General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm sick of playing against Juggernaut...

I'm sick of playing against Juggernaut... in General Discussion
Sup m8

    He is so easy to play, has a ridiculous ultimate, good at all stages of the game. How do you counter him? (Please don't say ghost scepter, that only works for his ultimate and not really his carry potential late)

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        axe omni lanaya dk riki chen pl
        jugg does not lose to anyone in safelane 1v1 except ursa and max shift slark so dont bring the counters to lane against him

        Father Jack from Marketing

          Jug gets owned by omniknight, both early game and late game in teamfights. When he ultis just pop your ulti and its gg jug.

          the problem lies there though, hes in almost every pub game i play in at the moment and if your not with omni he generally dominates. Basically everyone who was picking void is now picking jug.

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              Sup m8

                Doom doesn't solve his damage. Omniknight is good, but im bad at him and if jugg is good he will diffusal.


                  abaddon can keep him quiet throughout the game but is equally as boring to play.


                    Ban him.


                      a slark who has atleast some amount of gray matter in his head

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                        PL > jugg.


                          still can be outplayed with battlefury etc.. also new pl is shit


                            no way r ofl
                            new pl is GREAT for 1v1 combat, bfury is too slow, maelstorm is ok.


                     omni bro, we had a bad start because you know... solo queue... but still group up and pop ult on hig ult.

                              Just pick a hero that can go invis aswell, bounty, riki, weaver, TA. All these cancels his ult.

                              Also ghost scepter.


                                Jug is so e z to counter wholy shit... so many moves go through spin its hilarious that you cant put it together bane, beast master, Magnus.

                                He is super vulnerable when he spins and does very little damage compared to his auto atack. That is the best time to jump him.

                                Or you can just pick meepo and win every game against jug

                                Sup m8

                                  Thanks for the help. Maybe I'll start playing omni more.

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    87% wr as tiny vs jugg, ezy pzy pick more juggs, I love you boys.

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                                        ask your team for a pa or slark pick for carry , pick omni ,build aghanim + diffusal (the other team will probably have silencer) . that is what i usually do.


                                          orchid > jugg

                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                            Manta > Orchid

                                            And I will have QB, Phase, Mom, Manta before the other guy gets Orchid.

                                            Sup m8

                                              I don't know that orchid>jugg... He has really good right clicks, good armor, and decent health. I'll just play slark vs him I guess.

                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                IMHO Dusa or Spectre. But fucking farm good and don't feed.


                                                  axe + blademail