General Discussion

General DiscussionTo toxic people of dotabuff.

To toxic people of dotabuff. in General Discussion

    Have something bad to say? Keep it to yourself.

    (bracing myself for an impact of flame)

    whiskey waters

      get real friends dude

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        He's got a point, hardly any constructive discussion goes on here anymore


          just people shitposting.

          Jay Ashborne

            Your face is constructive discussion Zenoth.

            *internal yea self high-five*
            *cries internally*

            King of Low Prio

              constructive = people agreeing with me


                @N4randza your face is just ugly as your profile stats little trash scrub


                  I regret not smoking cause db forums gave me cancer anyway.


                    Wow, a topic that actually makes some sense. The problem is, it makes sense, because the forum became sth like an 'internet friends' community pannel, instead of being strictly dota related. There is a high number of threads that really have no input or arent worth disscussing for most users. I scroll in order to find a topic worth reading or posting to.


                      you know why there are so many useless threads?
                      because people here make useless threads : "2k mmr match = look all team feed how go out niga?"
                      "5k mmr in a nutshell"
                      "this team..."
                      "my team = tards"
                      "please look at my team"
                      "my team is shit"
                      "omg this team..."
                      "how ca i win with this team?"
                      "this team = trash"
                      "my team is so bad everitiem"
                      "hihgh/ very high/normal/very normal/ very low - wat mean pls no fleim"
                      "Tip- to climb mmr from 1k"
                      and also a ton of pointless questions that can be easily found on google without making a thread and waiting for people to reply.
                      if i see a guy actually ask an actual question i actually try my best to help him out, sometimes i even answer to russians about "high/very high".

                      Giff me Wingman

                        Hell naw.


                          hey sampson ur bounty guide got a mistake with the battlefury mana regen ;)


                            P E N I S

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              Hey toxic people, suck my balls!

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                Hey toxic people, suck my balls!


                                  Just start discussion threads then…


                                    Kael normal skill smurf noob dares to talk to me in this manner... it's funny actually...

                                    Giff me Wingman



                                        but remember, everyone here still thinks this forum is better than /r/dota2

                                        because reasons.

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          sad part, it might be true.


                                            this thread certainly needs moar lesbian cosplayers, can some1 get them here?

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                                            yung griphook

                                              i've gotten solid advice when I asked for it...

                                              SWAG DRAGON

                                                I think a lot of it fell apart after normal skill retards started spamming their crap...not joking, there's only been a major influx of them in the past 6 months, before that it was heaps better. better flaming, better everything

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                                                  trash player trash talking scrub narandza noobobobo mad cuz bad

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                                                    EU5kmmr=trash australian lp i rek them everyday , i someday will meet you and carry enigma 30-0 trash scrub

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                                                      didnt know you have very low skill on your profile

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                                                        Taking your shit inside can make you explode, so i rather poop and put it out :)


                                                          I think you're not serious about all this.

                                                          Nobody is this pathetic or stupid...


                                                            this shit is getting better everyhour


                                                              does this forum have moderators ? lol


                                                                used to.


                                                                  ....but they gave up :D