General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Skill Divisions?

MMR Skill Divisions? in General Discussion

    On Dotabuff, there are 3 levels of skill.

    Where do these levels of skill start/stop?

    (I know that Normal Skill is about 0-3199, unless there's a low skill bracket. High Skill is 3200-? And Very High Skill? ?-10000?)



      something like 3699, or mb 3599. But I believe in the first variant.


        So the High Skill bracket is pretty small?


          yes it's about 3200-3650ish


            ye, cz of unknown reasons high skill is relatively small. I would suggest some different kind of divisions, f.e. like platinum/diamond/... N where N belongs to [1, 10] interval, as in specific heroes top100 on db, cz the existig system is not very representative. Unless it aims privacy of players' mmrs, ofc.


              I think it's about time this question was in the FAQ... not that it would really matter


                Alright thanks guys


                  it doesnt rly matter, but i cant find this question in faq

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    3650 is very high sometimes 3700


                      its very simpel

                      normal skill: me

                      high skill: megapenis

                      very high skill: ynit

                      very nice skill: ynit again

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                        The high-skill bracket is small because difference between an solid-legit high-skill player that bounces around 3.4-3699mmr is close to zero.

                        In order to make some difference, people that comes from normal-skill bracket will have a chance to play with more exp. players eg. high-skill or vh-skill when better players drop-lower players grind some MMR points.

                        So it goes like this:

                        At this moment, I'm 3.4k MMR, and 1 month ago my average MMR was something like 3650-3750 MMR.

                        After I lost 300-400 MMR, I was at 3.3k. So it goes for like 90% of the high 3k mmr players. They get it to sub 4k, so then drop again.

                        Same goes for normal-skill that ends at 3200 MMR.

                        There's a reason why high-skill exists.

                        For example, an sub-3k player grinds some MMR by luck or by hard-work.

                        So system will put him in high-skill, just to see how he's gonna do against a bit better players..

                        If he does good, it's called improvment. If he terribly fails, he's back to his own bracket..

                        So difference between normal and high skill is really not that small.

                        However, difference between, let's say 3500 vs 3900-4100 is actually not that big.

                        It all comes down to hero picks, how much you play on tilt and how much this meta suits you.

                        OFC, this is just my opinion!


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                          In general, stating that your mmr is something like 4350, or 5720 is kinda sensless, there always be some deviation. Generally, if u say u r 5k f.e., it means ur mmr is shaking somewhere in 4700-5300.


                            Triple Steal, I never was 4700-5300, so I can't tell for sure(highest MMR I archived 4350 on smurf-3999 on main), BUT..

                            I belive difference between 4700 and 5300 is pretty noticeable.

                            In other words, I'd say if you say you're flat 5k, it's something like this: your mmr will bounce between 4600-5100.


                            You're 2900-3100 MMR - your mmr will go let's say in best days to 3400.
                            You're 3400-3700 MMR - your mmr will go let's say in best days to 3900-4200
                            You're 3700-4200 - your mmr will go let's say in best days to 4500-4800
                            You're 4200-4600 MMR - your mmr will go let's say in best days to 4600-5100

                            Higher then this, I'd say it's a way harder to get. Getting 5k is not that hard(not want to insult any flat 5k players, I know they are good and legit 5k players) - but, it really takes more then "good-average" to get 5300 or above MMR.

                            I think bigest factor for 5300+ MMR is tallent for Dota. Talented players will probaly get calibrated way higher then casual-average ones.

                            And what I mean by this, is, that, players that haven't played Dota All Stars, and havent played any MOBA at all, have better results because they are gifted for Dota 2.

                            So, for example, player that's playin' Dota 2 for just 2 years can have 5300+ MMR if he's gifted for this game.

                            But, veteran Dota player, that's playin' this game caualy for like 5-6 years, can be 4700 MMR.

                            Ofc, having higher-mmr does mean something, but let's make something clear:

                            4700 MMR player might suck when it comes to farming-mehanical skill or reflexes against 5300+ MMR players, but, 4700 MMR veteran would have better hero pool or just more expiriance.

                            It's all theory-crafting, I love to do this kind of stuff, don't get mad at me for wall of text guys! <# :D

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              omg fyyq
                              mega penis high skill
                              in 2 years

                              im very nice skill all the time calibrated in it too.


                                I'm not sure on the ranked MMR spread - we should be able to report more on it soon with our rating buddy feature being more widely available.

                                What I can tell you for sure...
                                Normal = Bottom 75%
                                High = 15%
                                Very high = Top 10%

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                                  Shred you to bits
                                  Well, mb u r right. My mmr dynamics was way too weird to judge objectively. Although I would say that 5500-5600 is where the real breaking point is (this "" sounds terrible, sry).
                                  Being 5k, I can easily compete with ppl having 5300,a s well as 4.6 can compete with me, but I feel like there is still a huge gap between me and 5.5+ players, although I believe that with some thoughtful effort (including watching guides and adding some new heros to my pool) this gap can be strided. The idea is taht as we get to higher mmr levels, the difference between +-500 mmr is higher, but people progress much faster.


                                    I agree with what you just said, my friend!

                                    I played recently with stack.

                                    Their MMR:

                                    1. 5300+
                                    2. flat 5000
                                    3. middle 4k
                                    4. sub 4k
                                    5. and me


                                    We lost that game, and even a guy with 5300+ said He'd never say I'm 3k. He said my performance as Slark was really good. Same for flat 5k guy.


                                    We won this. Jugg (flat 4k player) carried us so hard. I did few nice kills-defs with techies, altough I don't understand myself why I went for Dagon.. Idea was just stupid, but I wanted to try it out.


                                    Went mid against 4850 Mirana.

                                    Wont the lane as SF without any problems, she didn't rekt me or something like that.

                                    I did get killed by her one time because I over-extended-got arrowed to death(3k thrash logic, I admit, went a waaaay to greedy against 4k+ players is not something you wanna do..)

                                    Why am I showing you all this?

                                    Because for example, there's a big difference between solo and party mmr.

                                    You can carry high 4k stack with your best played hero sometimes, because they do a lot for you.

                                    They don't fail their lanes, they farm good, they help you farm good, they push when they should, etc.

                                    So your only job is to be good at what are you doing, and even if you fail, they will just back you up and let you comeback...

                                    I might be delusional, but I really belive I can hang just fine with my Slark and Shadow Fiend at 4.5k+ games.

                                    But, the reason I'm still 3k thrash might be that Shadow Fiend, just as Havoc and other people said.

                                    That's my confortable spot. As soon as I leave it, and start investing time in learning some other impactful offlaner or midder, I think I'll have better mmr in no time.

                                    But my problem is: I'm just SF lover. Since Dota 1, I just fallen into love with a hero.

                                    And I'd rather learn to play Shadow Fiend and find my way out of 3k with him(as long as it takes and as much as it stupid sounds to someone) - that's the way I wanna do it.

                                    Lately, I started to have fun with some other heroes too. It's actually nice to get out of your "confort" zone.

                                    But still, I just love my Shadow Fiend! <3 : :)