General Discussion

General Discussionat what mmr do ppl start getting retarded match making like huge mmr ...

at what mmr do ppl start getting retarded match making like huge mmr diff? is it like 3.8 mmr? or 4k? in General Discussion



      5.3k is when it starts


        ... what about 4k ppl matched with 5k?


          Read what Concede said.


            Red what Concede said.


              You can blue it too, as you prefer.


                I'd say around 4.5k.


                  depends on the server
                  in south america after 4.2 you can get matched with everybody against everybody

                  I have been matched with 3.8k ppl with 5.3k


                    ^confirmed, i have been matched with 1k guys in SA. Kappa.
                    but for real.


                      on eu/russia it starts at 4500, although i saw solo (322 7k mmr) playing with 4200. but most often 4200 gonna play with 4100-4300.

                      STEVEANPOPE tha gray

                        Depends on server, the less populated the earlier it goes wide. Anywhere from 3.9k-5.5k in aus you can be matched with anywhere in between

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          u saw 32227000 mmr get matched with 4200?


                            this is the highest mmr average game I've ever seen in SA

                            most games have like 1 or 2 5k+ in each team

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                              unit, yup.


                                in RU i still get matched with 4.5k when I'm 4.5k tbh, i think it's time of day also


                                  Well, it would be correct that 4.5-5.5k more or less often get matched with ppl having same mmr, but 6.5-7k players always get matched with 4.5-5.5k players. the problem is that there are very few players with 6k+, so u get to play with same mmr ppl most of the times.


                                    in SEA it also depends on what time you're queuing.

                                    I've been matched to people as low as 4k before. The disparity starts to get really huge beyond ~5.4k.


                                      you are almost guaranteed to have an imbalanced game (i.e. big difference in mmr between players) if you queue in the off peak hours e.g. now on euw/eue


                                        for the record, I meant 5.3k is when a player will begin to more regularly have to play with people much lower in rank than he is.

                                        You can randomly run into a high mmr player starting around 4.2k depending on server.

                                        milk that tastes like rea...

                                          in aus, starts to get dispersed around 4.2-4.3k.
                                          there are a ton of people at 4k though

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            so if u just got 4.5 mmr and u know there is chance if having 5k player on each team wouldn't it be best to play supports none stop till u get better?


                                              In aus heaps of pple between 3.8 - 4.2 and they usually all get matched together. When you hit the 4.2/4.3 mark and above you pretty much verse everyone in the same pool. I find 6k's and 5k's quite frequently. Usually there is only 2 other pple in same mmr area as you.

                                              BIG FAT DUCK

                                                Depends on server/time.

                                                I'm 5.3-5.5 and if I queue daytime on US East I get a game of all 5k's (sometimes 2-4 6k's). Late evening (9-12 local) it's a mix of high 4k's low 5k's.

                                                On EU West there are too many 5k players to count so it's more like 6.3k before you start getting matched consistently with people lower than you, but that's due to elo inflation.

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