Ez 20 sec respawn time if ur raping like a baws and die :) +lots of mana (effective HP) and mana regen.
blood stone is kinda legit but diffusal is not...... sny is shit compared to manta on medusa
Bloodstone troll warlord is also really good if your team is pushing/winning the game for you.
s&y is fine compared to manta, especially if you aren't going skadi cus the maim proc helps a lot in that case. I have always wanted to build diffusal on her but always end up going skadi instead.
I'd have to see the item build order to really make sense of that build. Bloodstone gives you no dmg, but that dusa doesn't need it, also having butterfly, diffusal and mkb. But rushing a bloodstone seems really stupid. Guessing she went diffusal/s&y in some order first at the least. It's kind of like rushing linkens, kills your farm.
why would u waste money on Bloodstone. You have plenty of mana, but no DMG.
It adds more survivabilitythan any other item so if you don't need dmg why not? I often go scythe as my 5th or 6th item, bloodstone adds a lot more regen and hp and almost as much mana. I think it makes sense if you already have as much dmg as that dusa did.
it's more like an alternative for linkens as a 1st core item option when the spell block isn't very relevant
blaaah bloodstone is a bit shitty on dusa, you never make use of all the regain and if you just want tankyness you're better off with either Eye or rod of Atos. Atos will get you flamed, but if that's getting you flamed and its more cost effective then blood stone, then what does that say about blood stone.
really what you want to be making early on dusa isn't tank items, its damage and farming speed, mana shield and your ult will keep you alive in early fights as long as you don't try to initiate (& you shouldn't be looking to fight early with dusa any way).
Never make use of regen?
a push only ever ends because medusa runs out of mana, not hp.
a push ends when ur team gets wiped ur only one left standing anhttp://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1277960893d then u get wiped too
http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1277960893 (or defence in this case
I don't play medusa but I can imagine it being useful later in the game (as one of your last items). Lower spawn time/buy back cost/and the hp and mana medusa needs to sustain herself.
Normal and high skill games dont count as a example of a thing working or be good. You can stomp with basher Sandking in those brackets if you're good enough.
I didnt say it was bad, it's actually descent idea if the game goes really well, like it did in your case Zenoth. Nice 15 winstreak damn :D
If it was Dendi-Arteezy-Etc who build like that, you people would be "OMG NEW META *insert fangasm shit here*"
Anyway bloodstone Medusa is legit and pretty good in some games -,-
this build on meepo is even more legit than bloodstone medusa
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yep http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1283528433
new meta.
This guy seems to build her a bloodstone all the time like a core item. Also diffusal and SnY.