General Discussion

General DiscussionEasiest game of my life!

Easiest game of my life! in General Discussion

    This was quite... exhausting :D

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    Mortimer Smith

      2n ethereal? for what?


        agility, obviously!

        Mortimer Smith

          doesnt a butterfly give agi'


            it gives less agility, you dont need the extra 30 damage and the passive misses on meepo, you just need raw agi, and the item that gives most agility is ethereal, and its way less expensive than butterfly.


              I suppose the magic damage amplify is helpful as well sometimes


                more like it is helpful to be able to ethereal your meepo so it doesnt die


                  True, Concede. you can save your meepo with Eblade effect.

                  also you can eblade enemy to disable him from running away fast and then net him (that's more during teamfights)

                  you can disable enemy's rightclicks once their BKB is down, too!

                  Miku Plays

                    How to micro

                    Greygrey the Sailor

                      You needed another skaadi for it to be easier ;-;