0-10 isn't really bad I've seen worst. You know what's worst? A game where you're feeding and you realized ur the best skilled in the game and your noob allies getting free kills, and there's a slark farming afk in lane while u guys 4v5 and later he goes 30-0.
it wasnt just 0-10.. that is understandable.. its 0-10-0 I literally did not contribute anything, I never hit a tower I barely got 1000 damage on a hero the entire game
Heavy teammates are no fun
But it's much worse
When there are none
litteraly half of the half solo que pubs lately
either mid feedng or offlane feeding or carry feeding 1 out of 3 most one sided games i have seen since like 1997
This one : http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1224781337
Thanks slasher for your stupid gyro eul build ><
no idea. didnt have such a one-sided game since unbalanced dota1. we were expecting to get -5 here, but it was -26, meh.
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Ok, go crazy guys, post your worst game in your recent memory and if you can find it, your worst game ever.
So here is the most recent horrible game i have had
Hero--------------------Level-Kills -deaths -assists gold LH DNY XPM GPM --HD-- HH TD --- MY ITEMS
------------------------------------------------------------call this plz ^ I deserve jail time