how does the even work. Doesn't DB go back and get the last 250 games once you turn sharing back on?
actually maybe idk i remember speaking to wave 2 days ago he said his dotabuff randomly got updated without him doing it
I heard from a bird that...
Always have expose data off and only turn on for the games you want to share, doing it the other way around (having it on turning it off when losses happen) will occasionally sync your data if say the API is down and it needs to re-sync any games missed in the last hour.
Btw guys: This same user just had a report on him hit the top of reddit
Apparently he is using a script that will " autocalculate the hero's HP pool and kill the hero with certain amount of mines if they're on them or in range of them without manually detonating them. I've seen him do it. I will now show you."
links to the forum that has the script are in the thread.
His show lower stats.
But it's all about dotabuff e-peen amirite?
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