General Discussion

General Discussionanyone sells magic here?

anyone sells magic here? in General Discussion

    I know, i know. Posted many pics before where acc buyers feed+leave while i go 3-6kda... but. After losing over and over and over...

    they are finally gone :)
    Now just regular idiots. Still; idk what to do now; it's hard to climb BACK to good mmr :(

    typical example game: i am doing ok in lane (41denies); i WARN PEOPLE TO CARRY TPS vs bara. Guess what? They feed like 10kills to underleveled offlane support in ~10mins....

    gyro cries and flames us all for sniper picking mid

    as they continue feeding i do my best to win (defending base for 20mins against mega/MEGA creeps)....

    ...yet i still lose

    and i fall again; yay! :)

    so someone pls sell some magic or remove curse on me

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    the realm's delight

      there are no account buyers at 4,2k get real
      u are just as bad as ur teammates


        there are plenty at 4.5k

        maybe i am; maybe i am lil' better. Thanks for cheering me up, tho; now im full of confidence! XD

        lets' fight in 1v1

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          why do you play with net_graph like that, put it smaller and in the edge lol

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            idk how to make it smaller. Also it doesnt get in the way for me; no need to change it.

            Im sick of hearing ''we sorry blackwolf/void/troll/yada-yada, we all failed'' every 1/2game -_-

            am i really THAT bad or are these apes uncarriable...?

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            bum farto

              .webp not supported, just change the extensions also.. i know for a fact that you play a LOT of dota but hide an equally high number of matches. I think as just because a team feeds or does bad doesn't mean they're an account buyer. Also you're nowhere near 4.5k so you will rarely face account buyers smurf account isn't the same as an account buyer, if i am going to spend money it would be on a 5k minimum account.

              Seriously you need to stop inflating yourself so much that you think everyone is so bad compared to you. I am simply trying to help here but you...

              1. Hide matches you performed bad, or that you simply "weren't happy" with the outcome.
              2. You basically make your channel full of your "topplays" you even count your rampages on troll.
              3. Same as the post before no one will 1v1 you cause your ego is out of check and no one is willing to bother.
              4. Even your screenshots scream of a way out of control ego

              I do not mind you at all I simply want to reassure you that there are no account buyers in your bracket and the people there are just as bad as you are. Even games y


                well from my experience low 4k is one of the easiest MMRs to climb, at least on my server. when I got a 3.6k account the easiest part was after 3.9k, I won 25 out of 27 games


                  When havoc gets his mojo on lmao


                    i hide all my matches (good/average/ bad games (imo very small percentage games are lost because of me; even more in ranked))+profile because people cry i am smurf during pick phase and tell me to support....

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                      im have huge dillemma right now...

                      these comments are like good firewood that ignites my ardor flame to prove them wrong (that's how i was ''raised'' in dota and got better)....

                      ...yet it also would mean my ego is big and i am lone wolf who likes to play alone in team game. And people say i need to be self-whipper with no ego who admits i am as bad as those who feed because i failed at solo carrying. I see that i do less mistakes, but i don't show enough skill...

                      means i need to treat others as equal when i want to climb above them?

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                        Hiding matches =/= hiding your profile. You can choose to hide your profile and not your matches at the same time. If 'people crying you are a smurf' is your reason for hiding matches, then that just doesn't make any sense (the more games on your dotabuff, the less chances they will think you are a smurf). And, who even checks a dotabuff profile before a match anyway?

                        Also, Havoc is right, your ego is out of control. You treat everyone like trash as if you're the best player in the game.



                          please explain with arguments who else was better in my team then...


                            Are you better than your team every game? One game doesn't prove it all. And nitpicking on stats isn't going to change anything.

                            All you can change is your attitude toward the game and the methods you are employing to improve yourself in it.

                            Better players have shown that they can carry themselves out of that bracket. They don't win 100% of the time, but they still rise in mmr. If you really are a better player, then you'd be consistently rising in mmr. If you aren't, then you are as bad as them and you need to reassess the way you play the game rather than thinking that ALL mistakes come from your team.


                              things is; atleast i try to do my best and i dont give up (mostly guys with most deaths themselves call gg) or start feeding because i didnt got my lane.

                              Heck, i wanted troll that game; resorted to void. And dotabuff = profile as both record WINS/games to see who has low ammount of games.

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                                THIS is acc buyer; when i was ~4.5k mmr few days or so ago (pre-losing spree)

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                                  Wow mate you sound so bent pleas suicide


                                    So what, do you think you are some special kind of sunflower? Everyone experiences something like that at some point in their dota lives. When that happens, you just have to keep trying to do your best.

                                    "And dotabuff = profile as both record WINS/games to see who has low amount of games." Hiding your profile now doesn't help you because your profile already has a low amount of games now. Unless your last game recorded on your dotabuff was a year ago, people are going to infer that you have a low amount of games.

                                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                      i hide all my matches (good/average/ bad games (imo very small percentage games are lost because of me; even more in ranked))+profile because people cry i am smurf during pick phase and tell me to support....

                                      l0l? who checks dotabuff profiles during matches


                                        insights into the sick mind of a troll picker


                                          only megapenis would spend money to buy 4k acc ahahah


                                            blaming your team mates wont win you games.


                                              But FyyQ I have a megapenis

                                              bum farto

                                                @ a waifu day

                                                I actually do a lot of the time, just to sus out what I am in for.


                                                You're point out a lot of games (I did watch them) where you play clean up, buffering your team then cleaning up and you spend 75% of the game watching your team suffer while you farm jungle and lanes this is prime example in a 43 minute game you dealt less dmg then a few of your team.

                                                Also hiding matches so people think your not a smurf makes more sense, if you had more matches people wouldn't call you a smurf. A lot of the people playing with you look like they really don't like you, all chat is always you being mouthy (again based of the 4 matches I recently watched) and the team just being fed up of your arrogance, a lot of people are in stacks so throw cause party ranked means nothing.

                                                Fix your attitude and it will fix your game.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  what exactly do you want out of this thread?

                                                  oh OP you're so amazing 6k mmr at least ur ability to get 5cs/min on troll and not take the t1 despite a huge lane advantage just blows me away


                                                    i just rolfstomped some offlaner again (was at killing spree like at 3mins) with venge in lane; we had some hiccups mid-game; but we won two fights in the row and just pushed rax into throne...

                                                    so far games are either stomp or being stomped...

                                                    MM too damn random


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                                                      how does going 0-13 means he's an acc buyer? he's probably just some griefer who was mad, happens in every bracket



                                                        something to change; i climbed from 3.9 to 4.4 in like few days (17game winstreak) by just trusting no one IDIOTIC 3K ADVICES/decisions and going for early game builds (no midas)
                                                        because i was too used to better people, teams you can semi-trust to follow up in higher mmr...

                                                        i fell again now just recently duo to many feeders/acc buyers combined with bad luck and maybe some games were my fault; it all added up to huge mmr decreases on my way back to going higher again than blackwolf who also calibrated at 4500...

                                                        maybe my ego (that always was there) is getting in the way now, maybe i am doing something wrong for this small tier until 4500/5000...

                                                        it doesnt look like i die too much, or farm too less. Something is bad, tho; i can't carry most of my games anymore pretty much alone...

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                                                          the way he laned (died over and over), called us all noobs and flamed SO HARD since 0:00 i muted him in 10secs.

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                                                            I understand the difference between someone having a bad game due to tilt, and someone who's clearly lacking game knowledge/mechanics to be in their current skill bracket.

                                                            There's definitely account buyers in 4.3-4.5k. You gotta consider the fact that they have bought the account at 5k+ and dropped to where they are now and we happen to catch them on the way down.


                                                              it's not always clear like that. for example, in the last game I linked ember played like shit, but I know the guy, he's 5.7k and plays well, he was just on a bad day


                                                                i sell chiornaja magija



                                                                  Yeah I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, so I don't automatically call "acc-buyer" on people when I see them play bad. A lot of times it's people who are either mad or tired so their decision making is piss poor, but they're probably still 4k players.

                                                                  And then there are times where someone goes uncontested jungle 15+min blink on axe or lose horribly mid with viper against a TA (viper 7min naked treads, TA bottle phase aquila with 0 kills on each of them)....that make me start to seriously doubt the player


                                                                    lol... no matter how much i stress EVERYONE pre-game to carry tps vs bara the fucker always ALWAYS gets fed....


                                                                      Then just quit dota. Clearly there is nothing you can do because you will always receive stupid team mates. It's clearly their fault. You will never receive better team mates and you would be a masochist to continue playing this game.


                                                                        kamina would not give up. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM???


                                                                          anyways; pilot, thanks for the idea. I really forgot the fun; it's just grind fest. Will play with some friends in ~normal skill level LOL


                                                                            Yeah, you go do that.

                                                                            Don't dwell on your frustrations. You'll live longer that way.


                                                                              come get majik


                                                                                dude that lettuce is not looking good, throw that shit away


                                                                                  i weant sum ofg that madjic


                                                                                    rofl where do you buy your vegetables mokujin? that shit looks nasty

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                                                                                        how bout that 1:30 game i just did? XD

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                                                                                                that's what happens to vegetables when they expire




                                                                                                  sold bkb, sold armlet

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