General Discussion

General Discussioni guess its fair enough

i guess its fair enough in General Discussion


      feeder getting all the rewards :(


        Better items decision at 1k mmr players than at 5k


          I can't help but cringe at you MMR right now.


            ^Don't be throwing stones if you're living in a glass house yourself

            Das Claw

              2/12/16 axe "feeder"... k.

              At that MMR, you're lucky if the axe can hit R at the proper times; let alone initiate.

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                your farm is pretty decent actually, 400+cs at 1h for spec is really fast


                  1k can farm


                    @Das Claw dude, 1k players knows how to play.
                    PLAY = YOLO and get kills. #ez #flam #moar


                      Stf u sf spamming loser


                        reading these comments

                        make me thing that people who have 1k mmr are litteraly people with down syndrome

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                          after reading* think* who have* literally* who have*

                          the realm's delight

                            WOW REAL DONDO?? 25-7 REAL DONDO FOR SURE


                              time for me to retire of this forum . hate manga nerd avatarz too much. 5HoTA i am better then you at doto!


                                and vh high skill in ranked gg


                                  gaben, pls


                                    dondo trying to hax ppl


                                      @Duo Mid Expert, yes i have down syndrome, i cant even type.!!!!! fak


                                        how is 400 cs at 1hour really fast



                                          dyslexia combined with ADHD

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                                            Cat, do you have some kind of obsession lmao?



                                              Whats wrong with spaming sf u fucking piece of thash?


                                                Brain dead, lmao


                                                  Should I be amazed by your "very high" skill on smurf with close to 250 games?

                                                  Sorry RTZ, Didn't know it's you.


                                                    I just saw you play with our dear Blunt. Huh.

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      RoFl 3k trash flaming 4.5k guy. You are so shit it's amazing.


                                                        4.5k smurf calibrated shit. At least I'm legit 3.5k player.

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                                                          ^I don't think that statement benefits you


                                                            I'd rather be legit 3.5k then smurf 4.5k.

                                                            These days anyone can be 4k with smurf.

                                                            I even had a friend at 2.6k that calibrated at 4.1k on smurf.

                                                            Not to mention my highest MMR isn't even 3.5k, that's current.

                                                            But I don't really give a fuck. I just answered to both of autist blunt and thrash 4.5k smurf because I'm bored and I'm waiting for my food to arive..

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                                                              SO BLUNT, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?

                                                              LETS HAVE SOME HEALTY THRASH TALK

                                                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                                i mean he clearly is doing ok in his current skill tier

                                                                and i suggest you read posts properly before you start flaming people

                                                                "Cat, do you have some kind of obsession lmao?" wasnt even directed at u l0l

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                                                                    what the fuck are you talking about? And to who, most important part of my fucking question.

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                                                                        ^ Kitrak:

                                                                        Keep in mind I never said I can't climb 3.5. Feel free to check my winrate this month as Shadow Fiend.

                                                                        On the other hand, suck my fucking dick. Guy's having 17 ranked games, while you thrash-talk and whine your heart about how he's stable 4.5k player? Seems like you use cheap crack my friend.


                                                                          How cute is this?

                                                                          One smurf defends another.

                                                                          Huh. Well at least you got more games then he do.


                                                                            WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS MMR BOARD




                                                                                lol i thought people were joking when they told me there is a 1k bracket


                                                                                  MAI GAD


                                                                                    phantom lancer = megapenis smurf 100% <3

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                                                                                        I don't need to explain anything to you since you don't read exactly what I'm writing for, and you can't do basic math.

                                                                                        So no, have fun.

                                                                                        And just to make something clear: i have no reasons to hate blunt or anyone, lol. So, no.


                                                                                          Its not me, I'll try to be nice and hope you just missunderstood something I wrote.

                                                                                          "if you cant climb from 3.5k with any hero but sf there is a problem"

                                                                                          To be honest, I don't know. So far I'm having great time with SF, because that' the hero I love and I don't feel like learning 10 other just to climb up with them.

                                                                                          I did tried to do that in order to climb, didn't end up so well. So I decided to put more time in my SF, since I feel most confortable using SF for climb.

                                                                                          "and you havent done it yet so im not inclined to believe you"

                                                                                          I actually did it, so far I got +250 MMR with new build. I was 3350, and now I'm 3550.

                                                                                          It's going up slowly, and I'm aware the more I go up, I'll have harder time to maintain winrate that I have now.

                                                                                          "if you can maintain the mmr that you get you deserve it as much as the guy who played 500 games to get his mmr up 500 points"

                                                                                          First, yes. If you can maintain MMR you get, by large amount of games. Not 17 games. That's not enough to say you're 4.5k player.

                                                                                          One more fucking time, guy that's callimg me "sf spaming shit" is reffering that he's 4.5k player, and you're tryin' to protect him with: "if you can maintain MMR you get" - while he's havin' 7 games after calibration in ranked.

                                                                                          Got it now?

                                                                                          "murf population is mostly retards and those people dont calibrate much higher if at all than their normal mmr, and after that they lose mmr, but if you actually manage to maintain that mmr (a few do) i dont see the problem"

                                                                                          I agree to some extent, however, there's one thing: why would you bother playin' smurf in order to maintain THAT mmr.

                                                                                          Why not just climb from main? At the and of the day I don't see any reasons at all to do that.

                                                                                          Most people make smurfs because they belive MMR is handicaping them.

                                                                                          Few of them make smurfs out of curiosity, or because they want to try-out new stuff on that acc.


                                                                                            saying u cant climb mmr withotu sf is like saying

                                                                                            to waga u cant climb mmr without ta

                                                                                            or saying to w33ha u cant climb mmr without ebola or meepo

                                                                                            and so on

                                                                                            obviously if u want to climb u have to take strongest heroes in the game and play them good


                                                                                              my nice thread, turned into flame war didnt even notice :(

                                                                                              Harry Spotter TheForbidde...

                                                                                                Well I never said I cant. Or maybe i did, lol.

                                                                                                Whatever. I feel confortable playin' SF for climb, thats all.


                                                                                                  sf is one of my better heroes and i don't feel like playing him at all in this meta theres so much stronger heroes for mid or safelane carries

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                                                                                                      i got 1 school times friend who sits at 3.5k currently

                                                                                                      and when i try to give him tips (from 6k mid player perspective)

                                                                                                      he tells me that theres is no such thing as team in 3.5k games so i guess spaming sf actually makes sense becouse he got quite decent solo kill potential

                                                                                                      altho in his case i would go with heroes like storm ta slark cuz they snowball harder so what ur saying makes sense

                                                                                                      u trust noone u play on ur own and id dare to say sf is not that kind of hero that wins alone tbh

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                                                                                                        1k mmr how is this even possible