General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to raise mmr i am 2.8k

I want to raise mmr i am 2.8k in General Discussion
Spider Roll

    Hi. I would like to raise MMR. How should I do it? Check my games give me suggestions plz. Been in 2k for too long. Thanks.


      aim improving your skill over rising mmr, in the first place

      Spider Roll

        Winning games show my skill's improving. MMR is a good indicator. So raising MMR = improving my skills. How should I improve my skill?


          dont look the mmrios mmrios are bad for ur health

          go try practice more and lete MMRios away for now
          when u improve , mmrios will raise up

          like the rainbow in da skiez



            thts what i actually meant: mmr follows skill, vice versa doesnt work. the problem is that most of the threads of this type ask for help to get higher mmr without learning to play better, f.e. via abusing certain heroes (slark, storm, troll, jugg, es, sniper depending on mmr), and that type of perception is comletely wrong imo.
            generally, if you want to improve, besides just practising you need to read guides (both about general mechanics and specific heroes you play), mb watch streams, try to do your best in every game, analyze your own gameplay, find mistakes and work on them. And overall practice, practice a lot.


              "find mistakes and work on them"
              if your not picking troll that's a mistake, fix it by picking troll.

              troll is love troll is life.


                troll is gay


                  well yes he is, but don't judge him based on his sexual orientation.


                    the thing is what @TripleSteal- is suggesting, while ultimately it is the best way to become a better dota player in general, Boosting you're mmr by abusing "op" heroes can actually improve you as a player, because you will have to learn to adapt to playing at a higher level, and automatically you're general game mechanics will improve just by playing at that higher level

                    King of Low Prio

                      playing with better players will not make you a better player or else Sheever would have gone pro by now


                        sheever is a girl though, girls don't get better at things because nobody berates them properly

                        Its Pixie!

                          i want to get better at martial arts so i start fights with pro mma fighters
                          (this is what Dizii actually believes)


                            just play heroes you are good with and enjoy.

                            when you are below 4k mmr, playing heroes you aren't having fun playing will have a negative effect on your ability to win.


                              @It's Pixie! That is a good point. And yes if you fight against better people you will get used to it and become a better fighter(after many painful beatings though) and the same applys to dota


                                DIZI LOVES A GOOD BEATING, I WOULD KNOW ;))



                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    dizzi and me fyyq megapenis


                                      1. Identify carry(s).

                                      2. Protect them.

                                      3. Buy a TP before pushing. If one of your towers is under attack, make sure they are either defended by you or a teammate before pushing. Towers are territory, and territory is more than just tower coverage. Territory is also TP mobility and gold that the other team isn't getting.

                                      4. Fortify buildings when the other team seems to be at the peak of their push's DPS. For example, while a squad of pushers is under the effects of Troll's ult. Doing this can potentially prevent a "Deny the tower" fortify situation in the first place.

                                      5. Higher skill-requiring heroes tend to have higher potential power compared to others. Learn a few.

                                      6. Speaking of learning heroes, learn at least a couple heroes in each role and in each TYPE of hero. By type, I mean things like invis dependent, illusion dependent, teamfighters, gankers, etc. This is because certain types of heroes just counter others by default. Examples: A hard carry is countered by gankers. A single-target-at-a-time hero is countered by illusions/minions. Gankers are countered by strong teamfighters and invis heroes.

                                      7. Always stay positive. Think of, for example, a lane getting rax'd. Sure, the creeps in that lane are stronger, but at least that means they'll push into your base faster and be safer to farm (if you can). If you get killed by someone's ult, perhaps you acted as a tank for the rest of your team, even if you only occupied the ult for a few seconds.

                                      8. Guide people rather than insult them. If someone seems to be building a strange or seemingly ineffective build, ask them why they're doing so rather than assuming that it's bad and that the player is an idiot. Maybe they're new to the hero and really don't know what they're doing, but don't assume so. If they react to you asking about their build with anger, just say you were curious, don't add fuel to their hostility.

                                      9. If people are arguing on your team, try your best to stay neutral and encourage them to calm down and recover.

                                      10. Just because you're the only one alive doesn't mean throwing yourself at 5 people pushing into your base will help anything. Unless you can actually take them or scare them off.

                                      11. Stick with the team. Only split up if you urgently need someone to go defend or if someone is basically useless without more farm.

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                                        Honestly i was like 2.8k a few weeks ago now 3.4k basically it comes down to concentrating and not finding excuses to play badly


                                          I'm a bit below you, but what's been helping me is using characters that can carry without farm. that way when you end up on a team with 5 carries and nobody buys courier or wards or tps for the full game, you can do that without it hurting you.

                                          but whatever you do don't pick an actual support because then you wont be able to carry them when your naga has brown boots 20 minutes in. you have to be able to carry AND support.

                                          I suggest earthshaker, silencer, ogre, lina, etc.

                                          watch siractionslacks video. it explains the idiocy that is sub 3k

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                                          Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

                                            -Most people choose carries in pubs / ranked because of the notion they need to "carry" the game. If you're a decent skilled support you should be able to win most of your games. I usually use Lion / ES because of their roaming and team fight potential when I play ranked games. The 7s fissure is just too good at stopping ganks / ganking / controlling teamfights esp if you're a solo support. The long ranged fissure also gives you a safe distance so you don't die trying to save your teammate. I try to cutoff their carries from the rest of the team pre-blink and try to get as many support assist kills as possible while at the same trying to save up for my core items while warding (You need to play very actively though: smoking for ganks, warding crucial areas for my carry to get items, getting the 2min runes IS VERY IMPORTANT because a haste / invi rune can change the entire early game phase). Lion's finger isn't for kill stealing, always remember that. Use it only when you need to secure the kill, not when the hero has 100 hp left. Actually, remember that for MOST skills. Try to maximize your skills and their CDs, don't go spamming it just because you want to KS because you might need it secure another kill. Also, it's more effective if you know which enemy hero is the most dangerous, if you get a stun hex FOD off on their core it's already a 4vs5 fight and the odds of you guys winning that fight is so much better.

                                            - When I get my dagger it usually is easier to win because if I see atleast 2-3 heroes positioned perfectly (with my teammates right behind me) it results into a huge echo / double impale and win -> objectives: towers, aggressive warding and making sure they don't get to farm and climb their way back up.

                                            - One thing though you need to remember, if you're supporting YOU NEED TO BE VERY ACTIVE. This is one of the main things that separate the lower tier support players from the higher level support players. You're always doing something: Checking for runes, securing your teammate's farm, stacking camps when you're free, TP-ing to save your teammates, and at times pinging out that the enemies are off the map / on the way there to gank. That's essentially each player's responsibility to be aware of the mini map, but pinging out / typing out the enemy is OTW can save you a lot of unneeded flaming and dying. Remember to stay calm and help each other. It really gets frustrating at times when you have 2 wards protecting your carry and the enemy is clearly otw and they still die. Also, practice supporting before actually playing it in ranked games. For example, knowing where to ward and deward, how to stack, and how to maximize the small amount of farm you do get. There's nothing more annoying than a support taking away farm / leeching exp off the carry when he doesn't need to be there (The worst is probably the support player trying to ward, but doesn't realize the enemy has vision of them - gets the kill + dewards). Being a support player doesn't mean you're allowed to go 0-20. You have to learn positioning - close enough to use your skills, far enough to not be able to get focused on. However, it's okay for you to die if your death meant the death of the enemy core. Try coordinating with your teammates too, there might be another support hero you can roam with. VS + Lion, Ogre + VS, Ogre + Lion etc. (you get the point). Constantly rotating and getting kills off an enemy SF can really win the game for you (Plus, 2-3 deaths on their mid core usually starts the flaming and blaming. If you want to win, you want your enemies to be mentally flustered too.)

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                                              All advices are good man, even the iLoveFood ones, pretty good, I am just barely over 3k now after being 2.8ish for a long time... I got a free coach lesson here on dotabuff and it helped a lot, but not in the way of mechanical stuff and that, but descision making, you need to understand better the game as a whole, when to push, when to dive, when to back, see the minimap a lot, counter heroes, the game as a whole.

                                              And the most important thing of all, you WILL lose games even if you played awesome, there's no way you are winning everything and that's frustrating , mainly when you did well, in those games, try even harder to carry the team, try even harder to win, you'll learn a lot.

                                              yung griphook

                                                dizi isn't completely wrong. While I can't confirm the theory about dota, because i'm terrible, spending time with people that are better than you will make you better. This goes for irl sports, as well as learning a second language. If you want to be come fluent, you have to spend time in the country and immerse yourself. I think this is what dizi was going for, more or less.

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                                                    If you're mostly ending up with higest GPM/HD/CS and you belive you're at least above most of your team-mates, and go MID, or can MID, this is the hero list I'd sugest for climbing at least to 3k, I had great sucess several times doing this in sub 3k MMR range so far.

                                                    Mid heroes:

                                                    Shadow Fiend(if you can last-hit good enough, get Shadow Blade under 14-15 min and that will pretty much win you the game)
                                                    Storm Spirit(If you have idea how to do it at least decent, I don't, but I saw people doing it)
                                                    Slark(Get this items in above @ 25 min mark, and you're good to go at anyone: Sange + Yasha + Shadowblade and don't die a lot!)
                                                    Templar Assasin(I can't play this hero, but so far It's been proven several times to be EZ mmr climber)

                                                    I hope I helped you.

                                                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                      slarks an awful mid hero but enjoy ur free wins against pudge i guess