General Discussion

General DiscussionI am new to dota and need help.

I am new to dota and need help. in General Discussion

    I just started playing dota like 3 months ago and fall in love with it.. took me around 3 months to actually play real game with real people, watched lots of games pro and normal on dota client than played those heros number of times in bot matches, last hitting still and issue, but I manage around 200 hits if I get a carry in game of 45 to 50 min, which I dont think is that bad for a newb like me with not more than 40 matches in life.

    I am not asking for suggestion here, millions of articales/ blogs / videos are there, I know how to play dota ( in general way) how to be a high impact hero in a game, I know how to play support wards and stuff, the positioning when to initiate when not to.

    my main issue is map awareness and due to this I die a lot, may be I am jumping in a situation where mostly experienced players dont or may be I just dont ay much attention to the situation as a carry to leave farm and jump into a team fight.

    so guyz if there is anyone 4k+ bracket gentleman can advice how not to fuck up most of the time, and tips for analyzing the situation before jumping into team fights?

    sometimes I do a lot better with the same hero I fed like crazy in last match, I need advice how do you handle a situation where your team including yourself fells a part with just a quater map control in your own territory how to you recover?

    come backs are real in dota I know but what you think if you face such situation in a game how to you change your play style besides playing fuckin safe with extra caution and TP always in your inventory.

    I do realize I am nooob but I do appreciate one thing in myself that I am willing to learn.


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        the points that you mentioned are all about game sense, you learn them as you get more experienced. most people do not make this decisions conciously analyzing stuff, but they just "know" what will happen if they jump into teamfight. Also, as you play more, you realize that enemy team usually moves in quite a predictable way and base your decisions basing on intuition.

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          who is Havoc?

          sounds lika some bad@ss dude of dota world.

          anyways, thanks for the suggestion thats what I am working on now a days.

          btw any comments of my game play profile? GPM / XPM .. KDA (i knwo it sux) :)


            havoc is the guy with the axe pic.

            your GPM is generally under 500 as a carry (unless you snowball hard but that's an exception). You may be just standing around doing nothing or waiting for the enemy. Especially with an mobile hero like slark you can easily walk around the map and farm the jungle. Farming the enemy jungle is like denying exp and gold for them since they wont be able to farm it anymore.

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              nah i never stand and think what I have to do, I made a map in both dire and rediant jungle and I usually cycle through with creep control within safe area and farm like crazy.

              like in dire If I am safe lanning, I will hit the small camp than in mid middle camp than big camp near T2 mid, goes back to middle camp up than down than large camp near T1 safe lane than creeps and repeat till I spot any fight.

              thats another issue I have worked hard to make this route after watching many pro's and high level MMR carry farmers yet my GPM sucks bay be its because of my deaths in game.

              Edit: ( surprisingly no one jungles in the trench I am playing, almost every time I watch other ppl either standing on T1 waving hands to each other from the sides and waiting for some idiot to show up and dive the tower without a reason).

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                how i practiced my map awarness after i quit for couple years and then came back

                go into lobby u vs creeps

                and each time u lasthit creep look at minimap

                rinse and repeat for few hours straight and u will see improvements in no time

                then just mass games and u have perfect map awarness


                  ^yeah mate I read this trick a month back and I am working on it already :D, but its kinda hard to react with your vision on eevery CS.

                  kinda feel borin for me but trust me I am working on it already :))


                    people in higher bracket than me tryhard and learn stuff, people in my bracket do it, people with lower mmr do so e training, and im just sitting here and "hah, enemy troll got ultra kill, ill sacrifice myself to give him rampage so that he would be happy"


                      dude. Have fun; you will regret times when you get good enough (in some mmr) to understand most others suck and you must dry-spam something and constantly try your hardest to earn +25 for those unworthy in your team....


                        kinda happening right now, its super annoying when you are winning a game and all of a sudden your carry d/c .. lol i play in a trench I think where ppl pick 5 agility heros and yet yell for a corier and wards..

                        I am getting sick of buying corier and wards in the game with ES carry and CM carry playing with us.

                        Cold Summer

                          I am honestly just trying to give an advice sincerely. Trust me any 5k player (including me if that helps) gets there because we know dota mechanic and does every little things.

                          The thing I notice a lot from 2 - 4k player saying "I already know how to play, I already know how to make big impact"

                          honestly... you don't and no one does... even all professional still learn the game not to mention a change in every patch means a whole new meta/experience/strategy.

                          This particular guide is really great

                          Ok here's some helpful tips on when to go in. I am not going to say "the only way". There's many way to play dota 2 and it's always those who are willing to try something new that invent meta. For example you might think it's a 2k play for storm or shadow fiend to go jungle but it's not and it work.

                          Now When you want to DIVE or GO-FOR-THE-KILL. Always watch your MINIMAP. Think of it as your mirror in the car when you want to change lane. How many heroes are MISSING. If you see 2 top 2 bot that means if you are confident for the dive, go for it. But always remember your kill threshold (calculate the damage beforehand and make sure if it's sufficient).

                          You are in normal bracket so you are probably sitting on 1 - 2 k bracket. Some games probably doesn't have courier or wards. The more reason for you to be aware. When you want to dive try not to Dive to enemy tower. Even if all the heroes are positioned on lanes you might think "OH HE IS ALONE AND HIS HP IS LOW, IMMA DIVE HIM" and then suddenly the moment you dive 1 - 2 supports tp to mid lane to help and BOOM you are the one that dies instead.

                          Anyway an easy way to climb for you right now is to pick a carry. KEEP FARMING like NO Tomorrow while constantly check for missing heroes. This will train your awareness as well. If enemy heroes are missing or if you see them going your way, don't be afraid to stop killing the neutral and make a run. Find somewhere else safe to farm and win your late game.

                          Peace <3

                          P.S : Don't get sick of buying courier and wards. Sometime I have to even buy them as carry. It's crucial not only for your self but your team. Dota is team game. And for refference my Cm is rank 32 in dota buff you can check. 9th is my highest

                          Gl hf GG


                            I guess you don't know @OP but the camera should almost never be on top of your hero!, unless you're heavy farming, are safe by your teammates and the chances of something happening are slim. Even then, keep an eye on your minimap.

                            When i play i got the camera over the destination im worried about/heading to.
                            For farming i position myself either aggresive or defensively and have my camera from creeps to enemy territory.
                            Have time before a last hit? watch the map and try to understand what's happening.

                            Oh, you usually get ganked when the supports and mid are missing, between that and that last hit in the time you saw the minimap? -->then get back?

                            Like in cs/cod, other shooting games always move your hero click click click click, between each destination look at the map, move your camera over to where you're headed and to where you are to click again and view the map again, in position to last hit? oh it should be in 0.5 sec, look at the minimap, etc etc etc

                            U wot m8?

                              you can make enemy icons on mimi map bigger with console command, that should help a little

                              also the best trick to last hit is pay attention to your ranged creeps as they do a lot of damage and make you fuck up ur last hits , keep an eye on ranged creep projectile and time it that u last hit before it hits a creep

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