General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion @ devilish

Question @ devilish in General Discussion

    Hey, I got some questions about coaching, mind if u answer them? Add me on steam.
    I wanna start coaching myself, so if u don't wanna answer me that's fine


      Here's a tidbit.

      Don't, he's an asshole who flames people. End of story. Even if he's top of the leader boards.


        I think if u are or u was a top 1 mmr u can flame ppl for being bad

        Giff me Wingman

          I have this feeling that soul eater is a jelous little shit

          bum farto

            Devilish is actually really nice, I don't know where you got your info from Soul? Everyone rages, everyone has bad games and quits, everyone has moments where they get mad at their team. I do it, devilish probably does it, and you probably do it. That doesn't make him, myself, or anyone else an asshole just cause they give in to normal frustration.

            Giff me Wingman

              exacly, devilish is really nice. He can rage, but who doesn't at those filthy 4k fuckers who ruin every game


                Develish isnt nice I remember when before ranked came out and I was like basically 2kmmr he invited me to a stack for ursa rosh abuse flamed the whole team the whole game even though he knew we were all shitters and thats why he invited us and after he got his ez wins he deleted me

                bum farto

                  Don't mistake flame for frustration. Some stuff comes naturally to me and I vent on people for doing stuff that I wouldn't do in the same way someone higher than me may vent if I keep dying in exactly the same way over and over.

                  Take this game for example queuing with friends that I was a bit frustrated with my team for doing dumb shit where basically my 1 rule with lower stacks is "Just don't feed and we can win" if people go stupid shit like Skadi first on drow with midas, Sange and Yasha first on Mirana, and Vlads BKB tiny then of course I am going to get a little aggro with them.

                  If you have good items and take the occassional bad fight it's not that bad. If you have bad heroes, bad play, and bad items it really makes me lose my cool. Do I hate the people I play with and will I stop playing with them. No. I hate the plays not the players and I will still play with people like Tonks with whom I consistently lose.

                  I used to go into Chris stack and have random high horse people flame me all the time but that is the risks you take when you go into a planned strat with amazing players as a uncoordinated low skill player.

                  Actually makes me sad that I added and played with so many lower skilled players pre-calibration back in the day solo game with Neo and Devilsh


                    "I have this feeling that soul eater is a jelous little shit"

                    I have the exact same feeling and every single fact speaks the same. Does occasional flamming on retarded people makes you a bad person? NO. But telling lies and envy on successful people does.

                    P.S. Havoc, did you really wanted to go skadi on druid? :)))))

                    This comment was edited
                    bum farto

                      I don't think I skilled bear that game and was offlane, actually really hard to remember that game. I hate Lone Druid and I think I always will, I think I was copying some guy I met who did like a ranged LD with Skadi, MoM, Crit with no bear.


                        Well, Devilish is one of the top coaches on with mostly 5 star reviews so he can't be that bad mannered. That being said, I rage really hard at people I know sometimes simply because, as Havoc said, they repeat the same mistakes which can be really frustrating.
                        If anyone else is registered there and can give me a few tips on how to get attention to you as a coach I would appreciate that.