General Discussion

General Discussionturks and dota

turks and dota in General Discussion

    Just wanted to say that there is no bigger cancer in dota than turks. When i see turk in team i just want to dodge the game instantly.
    Turk guys u are way better at being barmans, toilet cleaners or just camel riders. Burn in hell.


      how do u recognise dem turks?


        viva peru


          Nationality is written in steam.

          U ppl may blame russians but:
          1) Most of eu top 200 are rus
          2) Most of eu pro teams are rus or ukr

          HAve u ever see any pro turk?
          NO NO NO

          Coz they all monkey sons


            Again racist threads..


              Sam gonna have words with you


                no, brazilians are way worse


                  INb4 delete


                    every nationality is shit
                    i am from germany and i hate germans in this game
                    i hate myself


                      every single turk has a retarded gene. Every single turk is born retarded, but are able to train rationalism and logic to be more dominant over the stupidity. Ask any turk you think, is intelligent enough to hold a conversation, after some thinking they will agree.
                      It's a fact.



                        < blank >

                          Geber esek, iblis, jahudi
                          What i learned so far

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                            again. Imbicil camel rider takes woods jugger and cant do shit.


                              (insert nationality here) are the worst at dota. Everytime I see a (insert nationality here) I want to dodge the game. (insert nationality here) are all feeders and should go play on (insert country name here) servers.


                                i know alot of good turk players

                                russian other other hand nope

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  I actually kind of agree, though no one deserves this much hate.


                                    I laugh at people defending russians. For reasons.


                                      sus oç


                                        sam you stopped playing? or smurfing

                                        < blank >

                                            we lost vs feeding meepo. Guess who played carry role and cant do shit? Ofc fucking stupid turk. He wanted go mid with gyro and when i said fuck off.
                                            The nation of stupid allah akbar. They are better at camel fucking and washing toilets.


                                              Calm your tits nigga


                                                у турка 1800 игр
                                                у тебя только на этом аккаунте сыграно 5300+ игр
                                                ты встретил его в ranked all pick т.е. у вас примерно одинаковый ммр ~ приблизительно один уровень игры, при том что у тебя сыграно в ТРИ раза больше игр чем у обоссаного турка
                                                кто из вас двоих конченный аутист?

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                                                  But if we argue who are the worst nations to be teamed with are then can we also argue over who are the best?


                                                    Когда мне будет нужно мнение обоссаного 3к мусора, я тебя спрошу.


                                                      Kamado Kun

                                                        the cancer is the guys who cant see they have the same mmr than said turk, russian , brazillian or whatever and need someone to blame. l2p bro.

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          Law, to be fair third world countries like brazil are full of uneducated kids with no idea of english and little to no education.

                                                          I am from brazil, still i dont get offended when people bash brazilians on the internet because i can understand why they do it.

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            I don't play, won't be able to till the end of June actually.


                                                              In the end, every gamer is stupid.


                                                                u callin me wat


                                                                  me callin u twat maet

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    brazil is considered a third world country? I thought third world was like starving African countries.


                                                                      have you ever had geography classes


                                                                        during the cold war 1st world meant the world's main capitalist powers, 2nd world meant the socialist countries and 3rd world meant pretty much 'the rest' aka who gives a fuck about them
                                                                        after cold war 2nd world isn't really mentioned anymore, and 3rd world means undeveloped countries, or as people prefer, 'in development'


                                                                          who cares, the point is that SA sucks ;_; we all suck

                                                                          kanye went to uni

                                                                            i always thought developing countries and third world countries were two different things, like india vs sudan kind of thing :/ learn something new every day....


                                                                              I'm from South Africa and we suck hard! 3rd world and cant even keep our electricity on. Seriously for 2 hours on some days our government turns our power off because our electricity grid is under so much pressure they need to! thats legit 3rd world. We dota when the power is on

                                                                              U wot m8?

                                                                                in my experience any arab is just worst dota player


                                                                                  I disagree, romanians and serbians/russians/bosnians/slovacs etc. are worse.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    By that definition Sano china and india would be considered third world too and they are major economic players.