General Discussion

General Discussionwhy does no one diffusal vs omni?

why does no one diffusal vs omni? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Seriously what the hell is wrong with people? If you are an agi carry and your team has like no magic dmg why wouldn't you diffusal every time vs omni? I was on troll, had a clinkz and TA not get diffusals, omni ults, I purge one guy and we still all die every team fight. Like is it some kind of secret you can purge his ult if you're under 5k 6k whatever?

    casual gamer

      solution: pick an agi carry

      Miku Plays

        i thought > 3k its already a known fact diffusal rekts omni.. guess not


          buy dominator and get a satyr, way cheaper+infinite purge

          casual gamer

            you mean the satyr that dies in 2 hits to anything and has low range purge?

            Greygrey the Sailor

              @jdf8 yeah that one, thats the one you gotta throw into a hectic teamfight

              Remember to fight against tons of AoE burst too, it helps with its survivability

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                Cause the jug pickers don't like to change their "Meta" build in the 3k bracket.

                Dire Wolf

                  "solution: pick an agi carry"


                  uh there were three agi carries that game, 4 if you count nyx, which idk if I totally fault a nyx for skipping diffusal. But clinkz and TA? Comon, I mean I know TAs fall in love with deso but would diffusal be such a god awful substitue? And clinkz I know really wants skadi but considering he never finished it. Look back at the match though I think we lost for a lot worse reasons. I mean a clinkz with zero tower dmg, 0-14 nyx, both kept running into enemy woods where they had sentries and dying or putting us into bad fights.

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                    Because people are idiots and fools. You can ask your teammates to buy a diffusial, they either wont respond or are gonna flame you.

                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                      it does not die in 2 hits it has 500 bonus hp


                        Well, most people who pick constantly omni and aren't bored of that hero doing basically nothing the whole game are so bad that it's not needed.
                        People who are decent at omni almost never pick it, and when they do, they don't have the habits, so it's fine without diffu for a long part of the game.

                        And then rest, the 1-2 player in the world, that are good at omni and pick it a lot, well, you will never face them, so why bother ?

                        But yeah in the game you show, i plusoie that clinkz is a total retard :p
                        diffu is almost as good as deso on him, and this idiot made an orchid ...

                        You pretty much well reacted as troll, i don't know when you bought that diffu, but you cann't affoard to buy it early as troll.
                        Ta could affoard to buy it, because you were in the game, to buff up back her damage, but without a troll or a drow, it's pretty much impossible mission for ta.

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                          I got Diffusal on TA recently, it won me the game against an omni.


                            As ta you need to be above a certain threshold of damage, else you'll just be a useless creep that can slow.

                            So either you snowballed your way before diffu, or opponent weren't any close to matching your skill


                              Yes, I agree that is a wasted slot. It should be at least 3rd item (Deso -> BKB -> Diffusal or Deso -> Daedalus -> Diffusal) or you will deal little damage. Also I would prefer a cuirass/butterfly/mkb as 6th slot.

                              But purging GA on Luna in teamfights was too good. IMO the ideal counter is doom with satyr purge btw.

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                                cuz diffusal does nothing against omni ?

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Why do you think diffusal is so bad on troll? It's a very cost effective agi item. I don't think phase Aquila bkb diffusal is so bad. S&y is obviously better with more hp and move speed but diffusal is same dmg.


                                    lol Nyx sucks in that lineup. He'd possibly be able to get a good ambush on Sniper or Storm, but he doesn't want to approach Axe and Spectre can probably handle him 1v1.

                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                      I asked my team mates in 5k rankeds.

                                      Answer: They don't know that it purges Repel.

                                      Also from what I see most people in pubs don't know how to build situational items on heroes.

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                                        ^that would be because 99.99% players are sheep that just follow whatever the trend is without thinking.

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                                        Mortimer Smith

                                          pick invoker = no omni ult


                                            ^That and Eul's Scepter also works (though not on repel)