General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone tell me how to gank and how to use bottle properly?

Can someone tell me how to gank and how to use bottle properly? in General Discussion

    Okay, so here i am. as the title says, Can someone tell me how to gank and how to use bottle properly? the question is HOW?

    My role in dota 2 is always either carry or support, but i rarely get mid lanes (as for mid hero like storm, sf, pudge, ta, etc).
    When i get mid lane, i never buy bottle ( for some match, i buy, but for other, i rush for item like storm spirit, i rush orchid).
    My question is, how to use this bottle properly? what i see is, this item only slow your item.

    Next question is, how to gank properly? so when i gank to other lane, i can ensure myself i can get distract enemy farm or maybe kill their carry.

    btw, i stuck on 3,8 and keep dropped until reach now mmr, 3,4.
    so i think to change my role to mid lane, especially for mmr since most enemy match for skill.

    I know some of this question should available on google. but i just want to ask myself so i can fix my own gameplay and any reader who read this to become better.

    Thanks for answer.

    Inner Peace

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    Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

      The reason why you buy bottle is to have a source of regen by taking runes / bottle crowing in order to kek the ennemy mid by spamming spells or just to farm faster.

      And well, you have to gank when you feel it's necessary and when you feel you can. You have to know who to gank, if your mates are ready, if the lane is pushed, if there's a ward or not, etc.

      Just buy smoke if you know it's warded, they'll not see it coming. Never go gank if you're unsure of the outcome tho, better get some farm / push the lane.

      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

        And btw don't pay attention to your mmr it's just a fucking number and a source of frustration. PLay to get good, not to win

        bum farto

          "My role in dota 2 is always either carry or support" - I see no indication of you supporting. In fact (fun fact) you only support in roughly 5% of your games which is extremely low for someone who "supports". This is probably less cause you play most of your supports extremely greedy and end up farming them as much as you would a carry. So I would venture a 2% of your games you're actually dedicated to supporting.

          Your supports are among your strongest heroes with your mid/carry heroes being repeatedly your weakest role. Why would you continue beating away at a role that you cannot comfortably play? What do you mean gank properly? As a mid? Support?

          Usually you go with good rune as a mid, or as a 2-3 group with a support etc. the question is vague and looks like a promotion opportunity for your youtube channel.

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            ^ ty for comment.

            Actually, i always pick support, especially if playing with my friend. But lately, during there six month ago and until now, i dont feel comfortable with my role as support so i choose to move on to carries.
            because i notice, when someone else pick carry, they dont play as carries usually play, which is FARMING.
            instead they go ganking, which make they underfarmed.
            I usually always get irritated when i see this behaviour, so this is it.
            I move to become carry.

            I choose mid lane to improve my skill and to know good reason about use bootle and gank, as the title says.

            And for promote my youtube channel, yes, it is included :)


              just play and play


                A.) you got a good rune like haste , invi
                B.) you have a tp in your item, and they are having fight near your friendly tower, go TP there, and help them.

                If that conditions are not met, feel free to sit back and farm at your mid lane.
                Git that valuable xp and gold, pretty much the same gold and xp when ganked the other lanes.

                If you get flamed by ur teammates ' gg mid so nub no gank'
                mute the shit out of him , its not always our job to gank their shitty lanes.

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