General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaystyle advice/feedback - Please critic me and keep in mind my curr...

Playstyle advice/feedback - Please critic me and keep in mind my current skill level in General Discussion

    I would like to improve, however I don't feel like my play style is really one that can just "own" a game (and honestly I don't want to be that guy that is 33-2-10 it just isn't fun). I feel like I"m better in a pushing role. What I'd like to know is some ways to modify/change this or some other heroes to focus on to get out of this mindset. Broodmother, Meepo, Undying I have had some success with. I have tried going more of a semi-support role lately with undying and that has been a great deal of fun.

    kvasius # KSVM

      As normal skill player too (tho im being coached).
      IF you are going farming you need to know a couple things:
      1)Lasthit properly.
      2)If everything is bad at line, get lifesteal and go jungle.
      3)Dont forget to cange lane/jungle.
      4)Stack ancientcs using HotD creep.
      5)Dont be shy to use TP to clear that BIIG creep wave, you will gain more money than TP costs.
      6)Farm on line>jungle.

      "Only this will bring you to 3k."-as my coach said.

      As support learn more sophisticated things: ward places, dewarding, pulling etc etc.

      This comment was edited

        I see you played semi support undying and that you liked it. We often do it in very high skill brackets. I'd recommend you to be full support early for the first 10 minutes then start heading for semi support.
        Head for Mana boots, Mek, Pipe And Grimson (w.e is needed for the team sometimes you dont need both), then it depends.
        Encourage your team to play together and it will work out good.

        Bad Intentions

          Your avg kills deaths and assist is not that good. You need to think about using higher game impact heroes.


            "higher game impact heroes"
            any hero can have a high impact if you can play them