General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is necro never picked in pro games

Why is necro never picked in pro games in General Discussion

    Idk like the hero looks so strong on paper but it has been a long time since i have seen a necro in pro doto. I think he could even become "the new op hero" if he gets a slight buff. 1.5% max health loss that goes trhough bkb, ult that disables buyback if he has agha etc. but no team picks him. What do you think?


      he was picked frequently a while back but i think hes no longer picked because he's not very mobile so the current meta heroes of sniper / troll / storm just run him down.


        i could be wrong, but i do remember eternalenvy picking him as a carry quite frequently maybe half a year ago?


          Hes still a very strong pick, tanky at all stage plus removes an hero for 3min late game for an easy gg push. This hero is counterpicked by aa though.


            i think necro is quite strong actually


              ^i think so aswell, espiaclly against troll if u get a quick scythe and can combine that with some burst from e.g. lion u can kill him before he can bkb. => auto win fight


                very annoying hero to play against, hard to kill in mid late game if with right items and the ulti is just gg, if u aply on the right hero (troll or sniper lmao)

                casual gamer

                  necro ulti is like meepo fast respawn: maybe not op but definitely feels cancerous

                  Last picking is 4 pussies


                    This is what I got last time I had someone on my team playing troll.....

                    CAN'T WIN

                      cuz as support sukcs

                      Greygrey the Sailor

                        Because in the current meta (all heroes with phase, MoM, yasha, or blink.) he can't compete in terms of mobility, he is great against a slow lineup but against 2fast2quick heroes like troll warlord, jugg or even freaking sniper in this meta with his phase, shadowblade, mask of madness. He just can't compete against.
                        Also lifesteal is huge now with the mask of madness buff so it becomes a lot easier to sustain yourself in lane by building that item meaning that heartstopper aura is not as great as it usually is :/