General Discussion

General DiscussionSolar Crest

Solar Crest in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Holy shit is this item underrated or what? I got it twice on dk and you just blow people up. This plus ac is like all you need. Plus I'm loving the mana regen and dodge when not activated. It might be going a little nuts but I'm thinking of trying a deso dk build now: treads, ac, bkb, solar crest, deso.


      I just went desolator + solar crest on axe and it's pretty legit, didn't have time to make an ac. Build this shit on any str carry

      Primordial Soup

        I'm just trying all the new stuff, I don't even know how they work.


          maybe its cos DK is rarely played, as a result solar crest is rarely picked up. it's kind of expensive for supports, where medallion is a value item, saving up for the talisman can be tricky, and you may want something else like ghost or blink, and on cores, besides the obvious bristleback and DK like you said, who else would it be core on?

          Dire Wolf

            I think it would be pretty awesome on sven too. Mask of madness, blink, solar crest, blink, crest em boom the are dead. Plus his warcry got buffed so you won't notice the armor missing as much.

            And it really messes up enemy carries who never build mkb unless there's a PA or an agi carry building butterfly. If you're taking dmg don't use it and tank. I had like 50 armor on dk with this lol.

            Edit: above snuck his post in while I was typing. I think it's just as legit on supports as a defensive item. Cast on whoever's getting hit and they get 10 armor and evasion. Pretty awesome.

            Core heroes though, sven, dk, bristle, lycan, tiny, lifestealer, wraith king. All those guys can make good use of it. Lifestealer's feast healing portion is fixed but the dmg dealt is added to your physical dmg total and reduced by armor. So if you went ac, solar crest on him you would deal quite a bit more dmg. On agi heroes PA maybe? I mean you are stacking evasion but PA with ac is pretty good. Viper I could see core. Nethertoxin is physical so helps a lot. Shadowfeind could stack ac reduction with his passive.

            I mean any right click can benefit a ton from this item. Slark, bounty, riki, clinkz for ganking too. I don't know if people will catch on cus medallion was -7 armor and almost never built but it's a very good item.

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            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              wow that item needs a nerf or make it cost more with a recipe. Just too damn cheap for it's effect it's like butterfly for x seconds. Does it stack with butterfly?


                all evasion stack, so you have 54.5% of evasion


                  Deso, 3500g:
                  Gives damage
                  Works on all hits and structures

                  Solar Crest, 3000g:
                  Gives mana regen (very useful on mana starved carries)
                  Easier buildup
                  Evasion and armor
                  you have to cast it every time
                  Forces the enemy carry to build MKB

                  Solar Crest can be good situationally and it's a better anti-carry for the miss chance.
                  I bought Crest on Invoker and totally destroyed the enemy Alchemist
                  Now I want to try Crest TA

                  Greygrey the Sailor

                    It is amazing on a big physical damage lineup and is great against scary carries if you are playing meepo or multiunit heroes