General Discussion

General Discussion3k mmr pool.. How to climb up to 4k?

3k mmr pool.. How to climb up to 4k? in General Discussion

    Well I've been playing for months and my mmr always stuck within 3.1k-3.3k range, it will always drop horrendously when my mmr hits 3.3k and it kinda sadden/discourage me when I see such crap happening...

    Btw I'm in SEA server, so I'm thinking if I should just stick with 1 hero and only play that 1 hero for all my ranked match, as well as muting all my teammates?...


      Get gud


        Other than getting gud, play your CM and VS and hope for the best!


          play sf ez


            Was thinking about picking QOP and go mid every round though haha..

            Livin' Real Good

              i'm on that journey too, but people are so bad in 3K, it's funny when they talk about what items are best on heroes, or what heroes are "in the meta" they have NO CLUE what they're talking about, i'm always this close to saying something on the mic to them, but then i get reminded about that little report button. (they usually tend to dog pile someone they think even for a second thinks is better than them) <-- that's actually a good point \\ I don't want to get reported, cause i hate being muted, but sometimes the people are stupid enough to break through, at that point i don't care WHO reports me. I just see it this way, i shouldn't have to be 5K skill level, to get out of 3K, and 6K to get out of 4K fast. >.>

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                Spamming a strong hero always helps. When you are super familiar and comfortable with a hero it's easier to play your best.


                  Also for me at least when you're sticking with a particular hero it makes you tilt less when you hit a minor lose streak.

                  "Ok I just lost 3 games in a row with hero X but I still have a 60%+ winrate with him the last 2 weeks, it's still performing well."


                    thats your lvl bro. if youre confident in your skills, instalock mid and go stump. you dont have to be 5k to get out of 3k. a 5k will get out of 3k with 100% win. if youre a little bit better than 3k, you will get out, even with 60% win rate. all you gotta do is win more than you lose, not win 100%.

                    i improved my farming a lot since im playing mid. from 4 cs/min in a good game to 6 in a bad game without dropping on hero/tower damage. this is what gets mmr. get gud with a few heroes (qop,ta,storm,sf/bristle,timber,pudge/pa,pl) and rekt them.


                      Why spam qop? She's not even strong enough and you havr 45% win rate with her.


                        Most of the time I'll be playing either CM or VS as you know 3k mmr pool players doesn't really like to pick supports (i know not all of them), and often I'll go with being the last to pick for my team as I will try to 'fill up' the role that the team is lacking (like if there's no supp I'll play supp, and there may be 20% chance there's no carry and I'll pick a carry then).

                        So I'm wondering if from now on should I be the a$$hole and just pick whatever I want to play at the start of the game and let the other teammates fill up the gap.

                        QOP used to be my favourite/best hero, but ever since there's arcana for CM, you know... the rest is history.

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                          ^actually i think its the best mid atm. maybe just an agressive zeus can beat her mid, but later zeus will be useless.

                          but ye, youre still right. OP's qop has low stats. ~420 gpm is pretty bad.
                          build isnt that good also. try to play it as a carry. deso/cuirass instead of hex. hex is situational
                          after lvl 7 try to stack the big camp, and clean it every 3 stacks or so. that will grant a min 16 orchid.


                            ^ so I'll start off with the same set of items (bottle, threads and orchid) and progress to carry build from there? And only rush BKB after orchid if I'm facing a heavy spell casters lineup?

                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                              Spam a strong hero that is midlane is the easiest.


                                yap bro.

                                i usually start with 2x robe, 1x circlet + tango.
                                get bottle by min 2 (sometimes even after rune).
                                after that finish my null talismans.
                                get full treads by min 6-8
                                after that orchid. if you get kills and not creeps only, a min 13-15 orchid should be fine.
                                next items is aghs. i would say it takes maybe 10 mins to make? idk

                                after aghs my favourite items are deso/bkb/cuirass. sometimes bkb before deso, for example when enemies got orchid too.
                                hex is situational, when you really need that disable.

                                try to dodge fights until you get aghs and ulti is cd. just spam alt + ulti so your team m8s will know you dont have ulti (they might still fight even without you. its 3k lel)

                                carry a tp. you have a nice dmg burst, and you can get some kills ez if needed.

                                dont forget to stack. hit each of lane creeps to 50% hp, 1 hit to the ranged and clean them with E. this will give you time to stack/check rune. you should aim for 80cs/15 min.

                                after you get aghs, dont be afraid to clean giant waves with aghs. its just a skill


                                  mute everyone, disable help from all, pick a carry and farm

                                  Even if you have the infamous 5-core team, after about 10 minutes they will just sort of gather up in the mid, and wander around aimlessly, leaving you room to farm


                                    Just play with the Team and farm when u got time 3 k are usually Not that Bad


                                      did i say to pick sf and win?

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                                          get good, learn the game.