General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 has one of the most toxic communities in video games

Dota 2 has one of the most toxic communities in video games in General Discussion

    The title says it all. I've been playing games online since 2004 and by far the most toxic community is dota's. After 90% of the games regardless of wining or losing, I feel like I need to punch a wall to relieve some stress. It seems like the average IQ of the dota player is that of a 13 year old, and I mean this not in their in game decision making but their behaviour. Their vocabulary consists mostly of curse words and my mum. I try to keep my cool and not flame anybody as I am a calm person irl, but there is always that 1 or 2 toxic player in the game. Muting will not help because you need him to win the game as he is a part of the team. I want to make the comunity a bit more mature. The next game you play, please think before you speak bad, or cuss and remember that everyone has the freedom to do what he wants, and that not everybody agrees with you. Try to come to a compromis instead of flaming.

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      uve not played csgo then


        i bet this fucking monkey at most has played like 2 games aside from dota.

        Hex Sigma

          ^ive played more than 2 mind you and usually the dota community is rivaled by the likes of hon/lol/xbox live.

          Good job at proving op's point by the way

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          Last picking is 4 pussies

            The internet is toxic.


              people are toxic because it works. look how mad you are. if you mute them or get some thicker skin you won't mind

              Hex Sigma

                ^or if the community becomes normal. Idk if you knew but there are a lot of nice gaming communities. Hard to believe eh?
                Much to your consideration many people avoid mobas like the plague because of the toxic community

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                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  By all means link us a nice gaming community?

                  Chess, scrabble, some form of RP game?


                    One of the ways games can be divided into groups is by what people look for when playing given game.

                    The biggest group can be called "casual" - people are just playing there to relax and spend time.

                    However, dota 2 belongs to another group of games, which can be refered to as "competitive". Such games are similar to sports - people work on their improvement and focus on winning more than on having fun. These games are played online against other people and are well-balanced. Such games as SC2, WC3, and CS also belong to this group.

                    The outstanding toxiety of DotA 2 community is a reasonable outcome of the fact that it is a TEAM competitive game, in which people always see their teammates and can notice all their mistakes. It is not very typical for competitive type of games though, cause most of them are played 1v1; CS might be considered an exception, but you see less of your teammates' plays there, and also depend a bit less on them.

                    A good parallel would be traditional sports, f.e. basketball. I'm not talking about some very low-skilled games, like you just take your ball, go to the closest pitch, and play with random people who miss 9 2-point shoots out of 10; however the situation on amateur tournaments is similar to what we see in DotA 2 games, particularly if some of the team members do not know each other.
                    Instead of basketball you can consider any other team game here, like volleyball/football/water polo/etc - the atmosphere will be more or less the same.

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                      I kinda like a bit toxic, at least i like it more then roses and fuckin blood sugar rising when everyone gets along perfectly and then you go shit daisies. Dota isnt childs game so ofc people are not little kids like in most of the games. But believe me - those can be 100 times more toxic and retarded then 20-25 year old players, so i wouldnt flame Dota community too much although it still deserves it.


                        some people just rage because of nothing and its fucking funny, like if i miss a pounce and i am 4500 mmr, does that mean i bought this account or what lmao

                        some times im like woao from things people say/do in video games


                          Hex Sigma

                            @last picking ign, gamespot, gamefaqs, giant bomb, pc gamer etc
                            If the mobas communities are toxic that doesnt mean that all gaming communities are.

                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                              There is toxic everywhere and those are some pretty broad links. gamefaqs for one is as toxic as anywhere else just depends on the game forum for the % of it.

                              All you can help is your own attitude.


                                its the way people are when they are safe behind a screen. same with road rage. if someone believes there will be no consequences then they will flame away. I dont think humans were designed to be nice to each other.

                                Hex Sigma

                                  seeing the examples that you asked about its kinda clear how much experince you have with other communities. Nevertheless I've participated in some of those, lurked in others and yes people are usually nice.

                                  But then again most dota players dont play other games at all and then what experience would you even expect

                                  Sugar Show

                                    try 10 minutes on Tera area/global chat.

                                    Hex Sigma

                                      thats like saying try twitch chat or wow global chat or youtube comments. They are not communities based on forums hence no moderation. The same how twitch chat is full of random shit, tera is full of it, wow or youtube comments. You cant really compare them with an organized forum. Theyre more like chat rooms where ppl say what they want.


                                        Some MMORPG communities are pretty nice on the surface because there are quests difficult enough to need more than a few players to complete and because by being friendly, it's easier to trade god-tier items for useless crap with still innocent players ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                          300 games and thinks he can talk to people in games.-->epic, wonder who the actual fucking 13 yo crybaby is.

                                          Learn to play, recognize skill, even in lower mmr and you will KNOW when to shut the fuck up and play along instead of doing shit THE WRONG WAY by YOU being the one calling the shots.

                                          People are forgiving in dota, just don't PLAY IN A WAY THAT HARM OTHERS OR THE FUCKING GAME/WIN PROGRESSION. Do things the CORRECT WAY and you will get NO SHITTING! NONE AT ALL. Your IQ is probably like 30 compared to the other guys in your game anyway.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            You can't expect people to be intelligent on the internet. If they were so smart, they wouldn't spend all their time playing a video game. Also on the internet people feel like they can do anything because they are hiding behind their computer screens.

                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                              @Raspharus this is like you posting to reference non toxic sports chat. How many forums is there on gamefaqs for god sakes? and yes it is just as toxic as every other forum because this is the internet and no one has to worry about being punched in the mouth for their comments.


                                                @ Benao | Smurf okay buddy since you are talking all of the shit, imma just fill you in a bit.

                                                First off I've been playing Dota 1 since 2004 and Dota 2 since its release (when you actually needed keys to play it). The reason why I am on this account is because my old one got hacked and I lost 2k+ games and a heap of items.

                                                Second I've been playing lots of multyplayer games to know my way around the community of one. I've played mainstream and underground online games and almost all of them had a better community than Dota 2. Hell even Dota 1 had a better comunity.

                                                Third, you just proved me right with your behaviour and comments.

                                                Von Darkmoor

                                                  Perhaps if you suck less you will get less flamed?!??

                                                  (I think you can call my response best response)

                                                  Also they have a training guide and bot matches bots are A LOT BETTER than most of the community thus you should practice vs them and play cooperative matches vs them before you go in and ruin peoples games most new players seem to miss this cause they think -"BANG BANG BANG WAKA MAKAMAKA PHONE IAM KING ON CSGO I KING ON DOTTO YEAH WAKAMAKAFON BANG BANG HS I NO NEED BOT PRACTISE."


                                                    sad fuck, like those games aer comparable to dota lol!

                                                    and you're just shit thats why you're mad. And its understandable, again BECAUSE YOU'RE SHIT


                                                      aaaaaand stupid since you got hacked like really fucking stupid


                                                        Toxic player. I wonder how your savage parents raised you :) @Benao | Smurf


                                                          did i mention stupid and bad?
                                                          and low iq?
                                                          and did i mention bad? still high skill, maybe stop ruining games for a change?


                                                            @Benao | Smurf I can get verry high skilled on a normal match, if that satisfies you


                                                              super competitive yeah i give you a potato feel better now?


                                                                Thanks, a potato from a Peruvian. Just what I've always wanted, such a traditional gift


                                                                  stop trying to get free wins from other people and worry about your own performance, its THAT SIMPLE!. Compare someone's performance to the avg and THEN DO SMTH ABOUT IT OR COMMUNICATE.


                                                                    me? a peruvian? right. Anything else?


                                                                      Yeah, I regret opening this topic now that you are in it


                                                                        Irony at its best


                                                                          sad youre so sad. You don't even seem to know why they flame peruvians and shit.

                                                                          waku waku

                                                                            i agree with what triple said, and then there's also the ego factor

                                                                            what do games like lol, dota, tf2, cs:go, and gta v have in common? it's that when you kill someone, it's announced to the whole world. they also take the positive reinforcement further with the games encouraging boosting your ego with pentakills, rampages, dominations, and endgame stats. this results in ego boosts, and people looking down on others because of those ego boosts.

                                                                            but that's just my logical line of thought it might be something else and in the end it does not excuse poor plays blah blah
                                                                            but since it's difficult to measure dota 2 performance with the stats provided it's not surprising that people yell on each other and you can't expect the person being yelled at to give up and just try to do their best


                                                                              that's exactly what a person does when he realizes how much he fucked up and the skill difference between them.

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                                                                                  sadly op has the brain of a potato


                                                                                    you dont get it US trash. the ones that really flame are the ones like op. the rest just says shit, sadly with potato brain everything is flame.


                                                                                      There are a couple bits of wisdom to learn from this exchange.

                                                                                      1) a sure way to attract toxic comments => call out the community for being toxic
                                                                                      This works well in many other situations as well. Do you want to attract some racism? Easy - just start calling people racists.

                                                                                      2) History lesson - dota 2 used to be a lot more toxic when there were fewer players. I find far more cooperation and far less rage now than several years ago. This is primarily because of dilution. There is no reason competitive spirit must be associated with rudeness. Eventually dota 2 players will grow up - but don't hold your breath. As surely as it will eventually change, it will take more years of dilution and millions of new players before it does.

                                                                                      On another note Dedpul - the toxic players are right (sort-of). You will primarily attract negativity by being (and by playing) negatively yourself. Failure attracts criticism. Backbiting nourishes more contention. If you find toxic reactions to you consistently game to game - its almost certainly because you are generating them by your words and actions. Most people do not experience this. If they did, dota 2 would not be expanding because people play for fun and fighting allies is not fun. I get toxic players, but nearly all of them are not toxic. Just having 10% puts one in every game. The question is do you lead them on to start spewing venom and encourage it once they begin? Or do you promote cooperation and forgiveness of mistakes?

                                                                                      I find the quickest way to get someone to stop complaining about the team is to arrive and give them a salve, or otherwise heal them up. If nothing else this typically deflects criticism to others players.

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                                                                                        waku waku

                                                                                          because it's very difficult to judge performance by stats the only way to make someone realize they're bad is to list actual constructive arguments in favour of that

                                                                                          and if you don't do that it's your fault if your teammates are terrible trash

                                                                                          also benao i too think you're way too toxic please cheer up it's just a game

                                                                                          Jesus Perez Ramirez

                                                                                            Dude if the game was a subscription game. It would be much BETTER. At least half of the scum that ruins my games are poor mommy shits i would be freed from ...

                                                                                            To be honest best comunnities ive witnessed were always from paid games.

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                                                                                                @meme im just sick of people like op. makes it seriously disgusting to play dota sometimes


                                                                                                  you really lack comprehension if you've read all my post and ask that shit! im consequent and follow a clean logic trail. I didn't start the ruin, i just went with the flow and ended the game sooner.

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                                                                                                      if i dont do well wtf are yout alking about. you're fucking braindead! typical us educational system

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