General Discussion

General DiscussionDo u remember yor first 10 games?

Do u remember yor first 10 games? in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith

    I remember my first game.

    People suggest me to play riki cz was a easy hero.

    I didnt know nothing about mobas LoL or Dota, i never saw a video of how to play, i just seen a img from LoL and another one of Dota2 (so i decided to play dota 2). So first thing i did was get killed with a tower :D

    After that i got how the game was played you had to hit creeps and when u get a lasthit that will be scored on the score board. BUT WTF?? the creeps i lasthit doesnt appear on the scoreboard!!! what am i doing wrong?

    I went from bot to mid to get killed again

    For some reason i knew what a tp did so i bought tps and the first sggested items. I tryed to hit the enemys but they hit so hard and i hit so shit.

    I walked arround the map and i found the secret shop (until game 20-30 i thought secret shop appear and disappear form map and you only can get that items in some special time (secret shop for me was like ali ba ba turtl island xD))

    I got huge lag and i decided to afk after die too much.

    Mortimer Smith
      And here is my first game :)

      Now i want to never played that first game.


        I went for a pretty interesting build on spectr

        10/10 6k mmr

        Miku Plays

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          Mortimer Smith

            Waaaow u so good!


              Lycan -

              but hey, at least it was a win :D

              Also, 3 years ago:

              Legit Tinker build.

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              milk that tastes like rea...

                played rikimaru the stealth assassin
                smokescreen the tower for miss chance
                bought point booster because it was cost effective


                  Konung: Legends of the North
                  Might & Magic 7
                  Diablo II
                  Evil Islands
                  Broken Land
                  Heroes III


                    lol looking at my first games i think i made the newest meta builds ever
                    my first match:
                    but this is what is really hilarious:
                    double mek jugg
                    right click lion
                    dunno what to say about this
                    shadow blade brood op
                    zeus right clicking away
                    after seeing this match a friend explained me what the 'suggested items bar' is


                      Afair smoke worked on towers very long ago, as well as on fountain.

                      On topic: No, it was 8-9 years ago and I don't remember anything.


                        1st game - vanguard master race

                        2nd game - undying offlane dual lanes before it was cool

                        some good ol' Battle Fury BH too

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                          i think my first game was tidehunter and i got told to build battlefury on him, then i built battlefury on sniper because i thought battlefury was what everyone built


                            something about old anchor smash + changing animations or something

                            i love u butt

                              my first few games were hide and seek and rock scissors paper


                                ^when am i supposed to laugh?


                                  dear diary

                                  Night 夜

                                    Lich, lots of Lich.

                                    Then a bit later I went through a phase where I built lots of Semi-Carry Shadow Demon, like here:

                                    Oh, and Desolator on Nyx, of course.


                                      I tried out Broodmama because I like spiders(mained Elise in LoL till she got gutted), then I figured out that she's hard when you're new.


                                      Eventually, I want to get into brood again, but when im better at the game.


                                        tonnes of enigma and lich, thus my enigma stats, recently picked him again and with great succes oWo


                                          Vanguard worked on Lion but team was noob.
                                          AA hex rush also works really well but I kept getting noob team.
                                          Void was always ez. mom -> mbk = 100% win
                                          I didn't know sniper was OP so that's why I lost
                                          AA hex rush was not needed this time because I was too good so they forfeited.
                                          Lich was always ez hero.
                                          Venge was top carry in doto 1 but i had just over 50% win now so it forced me down.
                                          Classic ES carry, game was ez.

                                          MM was smart even then. It knew that I was top1 eu and it started giving noob teams right away!!1

                                          Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                            I remember that I played a 1v1 against Vroksnak. I also remember my first 2 matchmaking games, because they were really shit, I had FPS issues (bought a new computer right after) and after max 5 minute someone abandoned making the game not count towards stats (back then every abandoned game would not count, even if you abandoned at 50 mins in).


                                              I had 900 XPM as Dazzle in my first game and I still can't beat this record.

                                              It makes me feel that my skill regressing. =(

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                                                Let see , my first game is a fucking mess lol . I stuck in the all pick screen just because i dont know how to get inside the game . well still i manage to play but its already 2 minute in the game and then i ruined my team game with feeding hard. Then i abandon it lol.


                                                  anyone notice a trend? I'll give you a hint: I never bought tangos. :D


                                                    My first games were with drow/lich. I got so rekt when centaur was ported...


                                                      ^ Ah yeah, I remember those times when a Headress cost exactly 603 gold = your starting gold after picking a hero. Best investment.

                                                      Support player from the very beggining, even though I made the mistake of picking the squishiest damned hero for my first game where I still didn't recognize any hero.
                                                      I had a vague idea of what I should build to a hero, but you can still see some of the dota1 nonsense in there, like the Aghanim's Lion (back when it didn't do shit), the Necrophos radiance rush, bootless QoP (my favorite) and I'm not sure why I decided to build Necros on AA.

                                                      After that, my stupid phase continued and yes, my Warlock journey began with me losing :)
                                                      Also, classic Blink + Dagon Tony.


                                                        I tried to build Luna without boots a few times :D just get yasha instead. I thought it was good :{


                                                          >1st game of d1
                                                          >saw my m8 blocking creeps
                                                          >next game played in the other team
                                                          >i was blocking enemy creeps
                                                          >"im doing it better than you f ag got"
                                                          >dies to creeps





                                                              thought bkb would stop tower damage since they shoot fireballs lol

                                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                                Exctly the same, and when ember come out and i tried him for first time i thought i could dive the tower with the fire shield but... i died.


                                                                  Not in the first ten but it's the only one of my early games worth noting


                                                                  Yeah........ Idk either

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                                                                    haha would be awesome if each shadowblade had a separate cooldown or that the shadowblade crit would scale /w how many of them you currently have

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                                                                      Actually now that I think about it my very first game I abandoned because I couldn't figure out how to actually enter the battle after I selected my hero xD


                                                                        ^and here we have the winner


                                                                          Yay! I am the most 322!

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                                                                            It was about a month before Techies were ported over. I dreaded the thought of playing Mid since I didn't get the hang of using the Courier and I had played Mid plenty of times in the tutorial so I wanna do something different, okay?! The in-game shop lineup seemed ridiculously arbitrary, same with the hero select screen (in fact, the latter still is). I kept mentally comparing stuff to LoL, such as how pathetically weak Roshan (who I sometimes accidentally called "Baron Roshan") or the towers were. I set the heroes' dialogue to event-only, except when playing as Storm Spirit.

                                                                            Other than that, I can't remember much else that's different.


                                                                              Luna - force staff and shadow blade:

                                                                              Classic gg branch build:



                                                                                Power Treads, Boots of Travel, Hyperstone, Perseverance. No more, no less.


                                                                                  Get on that level.

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                                                                                  Im the Bully of my School

                                                                                    Kidades noob russian :(