General Discussion

General Discussion12 second charge impossible to counter at 3k

12 second charge impossible to counter at 3k in General Discussion

    so close to it. 2995, right down to 2898, any hero picks to counter spirit breaker?


      Guess my cap is 2995, right back down to 2873 i dont have any hero to carry myself out of this.

      gonna play some darius league ggwp dota


        People with instant stuns/hex like lion, shaman, rubick. You could also use people like shadow demon but it's pretty hard to play him with really good impact. PL seems like a really good carry to counter bara. You can doppelganger out of the charge and since his spells are only single target, you can take him down with average farm.

        Or you can also pick bara yourself.


          treant protector

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            I played spirit breaker, but playing him just makes me mad coz the 12 second charge on your team is insanely good but it's way too annoying and i never feel good when i win as spirit breaker. but after coming so close to 3k and falling all the way down i might just have to play him

            unrelated side note dota is making me a neo nazi help


              Worry not, everyone is a neo nazi in dota. You just go with the flow.

              Also, pick Undying, regardless of enemy picks.


                SE asia
                US east
                EU west

                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                  If you never feel good as SB, then what makes you believe that you deserve to win with other heroes?



                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                      Umm, coz other heroes don't have a 12 second global charge that gives no notification of charge unless we have vision through the path.

                      And it's not about deserving to win, its just that I feel cheap about it.

                      But lol I'm talking to someone who has played over 6000 games with 60% on one hero who he can't even win half his games with.

                      Be constructive or atleast be funny


                        Counters to CancerBreaker;
                        #Lion/shadow shaman hex and/or stun.
                        #1 counter-> wards.

                        Thats the easiest ways



                          And don't worry too much about rating. I have played from average 2.8-4k, its pretty much the same. Failpicks, "mid or feed ragers", 5-carry teams and so forth.

                          Play heroes you like and enjoy the game :)


                            @OP if you want to go to 3k do the following:

                            Look at your heroes and go to most successful.
                            Then go trhough them and look what hero u would enjoy playing right now. (you always perform better if u like what ur doing)
                            Pick the hero => win the game

                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                              I've tried that, and my most successful are PA weaver and void, but I know I can't carry team 1v5 because I know I'm close to my actual skill level, guess I'm gonna try playing a few normal games to get a better pool of heroes more suited to this meta.

                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                I prefer quas wex invoker to deal with bara because what way to make him feel worse about charging then losing all his mana and being cold snapped.


                                  Ways to counter SB:
                                  1) Laning
                                  2) Sticking
                                  3) Carry TP scroll
                                  4) Do not all choose squishy heroes.

                                  SB laning stage is crucial. You practically own him so hard in lane if he solo offlane vs two ranged heroes. If he starts to gank mid, carry a TP scroll and rotate quickly. He can't do jackshit at low level. Thereafter, you will be fine if you just stick together and rotate fast.

                                  If it is a dual lane vs dual lane, just be conservative so as to not lost the lane. SB dual lane is actually very scary. Thereafter, you will be fine if you just stick together and rotate fast.

                                  In both situations, your team hero picks play a crucial part. SB own a majority of melee heroes and squishly ranged hero without stun. I played SB from 3.8k to 4.5k mmr. And he really starts to fall off fast if he does not has a good early game or when everybody has at least some bulk to survive his burst.


                                    def avoid squishy heros.


                                      Healers and Dazzle also counter him hard.

                                      Drow and invoker are surprisingly good counters due to gust/tornado that interrupt charge big time. If SB can't start off with a charge, he will be damn useless in a team fight.

                                      For item build, linken really counter him big time.

                                      Fleece Johnson, Booty War...

                                        "Umm, coz other heroes don't have a 12 second global charge that gives no notification of charge unless we have vision through the path.

                                        And it's not about deserving to win, its just that I feel cheap about it.

                                        But lol I'm talking to someone who has played over 6000 games with 60% on one hero who he can't even win half his games with.

                                        Be constructive or atleast be funny"

                                        Wow, get BTFO Smaug.


                                          Either you have a defensive spell/item or you have a team who knows how to TP when a bara charges. Npt really sure of who can counter him but Lion seems to be a good choice (1 stun, 1 hex) but you'll need the reflex to do it...

                                          -2k scrub-

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                                            Typically he feast on heros that can't fight good early or are squishy . There is a lot of heros he can't burst down.


                                              Btw there is some weird play around 2.9k I broke 3k fast to 3050 in November for 3 weeks but the. Spent almost 5 months in high 2k people panick when they get close to 3k or something lol . I almost to 3.4k now glad to not be trenched any more , 2.9 k trench was def hardest one for me to overcome, I started at 2.1k


                                                See nothing hard in 2k. Anything below 3.8k is quite easy actually.


                                                  he gots to get better before itlll be easy tho.


                                                    How do you not win vs Bara? I almost win with him just because we have wards.

                                                    To counter bara, just get instant stuns to deal with him. If you panic, you will lose. Best bet some times is just to fight him.


                                                      techies landmines will fuck him up good


                                                        Guess he is playing in a bracket whereby people don't rotate. Basically rotation and right hero line-up (i.e. no squishy heroes in your team) screw him v hard. Wards not so much since it is easy to guess where he is charging from (if charging from lane).

                                                        I really couldn't break 4.5k mmr with SB alone.

                                                        This comment was edited
                                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                          If you see the replay, (and I know this is my fault too), but enemy team basically stuck around bara with no tp's from any of us.

                                                          Every gank bara did, as soon as he hit, pudge hooked me, lion hex, and we had no rotations. I didnt rotate because at that time I felt me trying to farm up would help team more in long run.

                                                          In party mmr when I play with friends I seem to do better against him, but that's what coordination does. Also, though it was luck, this bara kept getting double or even triple bashes


                                                            Maybe don't pick PA as much. Ez hero to deal with in the early game, and with the rigtht line, ez to kill 24/7


                                                              PA with lifesteal and some bulk screw SB horribly, assuming you can farm your BKB + HOTD in a reasonable time...

                                                              Yes landmines screw him hard too. I hate playing SB (or any melees) vs techie. But SB faces bigger issue because he need to charge across jungle......


                                                                lol I could imagine the rage bara player would feel vs techies.

                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  ah finally, op plays sb! and won too!



                                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                      sb support worked. although constantly charging around if team is unwilling to back up or commit leads to me staying at lvl 4-5 for a long amount of time xD

                                                                      Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                        Tusk with a blink dagger is pretty good if you can react fast. Blink next to your ally, click snowball on the charging sb (or just a creep)and right-click your ally to hide them in there so they won't get stunned on impact. His snowball is really broken right now though, so if you feel bad playing sb you might feel bad playing tusk as well.

                                                                        You could also just pick tanky heroes like abaddon, medusa, wraith king, centaur, tidehunter, viper, huskar even (bash is magical damage) or just someone with a generally tanky build like lesh and necro. Most SBs roam a lot and don't get a lot of farm outside of kills, so their solokilling potential falls off.

                                                                        And of course long range or instant disables like song of siren, chronosphere (if he charges you as void he will normally die himself), global silence, avalanche (just throw it between you and him for easy disrupt), ancient seal (sky), gust from drow, sand king burrowstrike, ground earth spike or instant hex from lion or glimpse from disruptor are pretty good.

                                                                        OD and SD can also hide people to not get hit as mentioned. I don't think slark should have trouble with him either if you dark pact when you see him coming at you.

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                                                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                          Oh yeah , does dark pact stop the charge even coming by any chance? Also how does linkens work with charge?

                                                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                            Dark pact just purges debuffs and stuns from you, it doesn't stop his charge. But if press dark pact when he charges at you and it activates right after impact you won't be stunned anymore and can for example ult to avoid his own ultimate.

                                                                            Linken stops him from charging at all until it is off cd again. He can break your linken globally at any time.