General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

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      Yowai Mo

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          racist shit and uphill miss?


            "papa no, stop it bobo was too weak too" lul


              U WIN SOME U LOSE SOME.


                ok mister 3500 (hidden pool)

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  The Problem with Dota 2: How to Fix the Intelligence Class
                  Tell me that this HAS to be the solution we have all been looking for

                  A complex fomula, mostly due to the fact that it might take a lot of testing to perfect

                  Intellegence + Run Walk Speed = % Special Evasion Chance: Chance to Evade only While Moving

                  The only issue with this is that pugna would become a very hard carry and possibly become way over powered...

                  But I think this just shows how ridiculous pugna's design and concepts work which are on another level compared to any other support as it is...

                  I'm not sure how I would remedy the possible negative outcomes from this change

                  Or really just to know what the design should have aimed for all along if that is the case

                  And what kind of reworking would have to occur

                  Maybe strength should increase a block while standing still

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    You can euls yourself while riding a penguin to bug out and easily get the achivement. You will need to lure an ice giant through the town to kill you afterwards though because you glitch and can't walk correctly or possibly at all after doing this.

                    if u guys want the achievment i guess we can spare 1 run for thattomorrow luring a giant isnt rly worth it imo


                      idk its not that hard i believe, u just gotta know when to take curves (like driving a racing game)

                      i went right into a tree at the end of the passage, im not sure whether it counted or not actually lemme check


                        wtf it didnt count what is this shit


                          "Champ, I hate to interrupt your 'Kiss your Yamamoto' thread, but there's a job fair being held tomorrow down at the city center. Lots of companies will be hiring, and that's the perfect opportunity for us to meet them face-to-face. I'm driving you there, and we're gonna stay there until someone hires you on the spot. Get your best clothes ready, Champ. Button-down, dress pants, tie -- you name it. It's gonna be game time!"

                          "To make sure everything goes smoothly, Sherry down at HR will be over for dinner to take a look at your resume and give you some last-minute pointers on interviewing. Whaddya mean 'it's gonna be embarrassing?' You've gotta work, Champ. Everyone works. It all starts with that first step, Champ. I didn't think I had the gumption to ruck through the blizzard of '67, but by God I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and snow shoes and plunged headlong into the driving snow. Sheer luck I barely got out of there with all my fingers and toes intact, but the manager was so impressed when I got to the factory that he shook my hand and hired me right on the spot. I'm expecting a lot from you, Champ."

                          D the Superior
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                                  \skipping every comment in this page to get to the good part

                                  reaches the end


                                    lmao cookie 13th on watch pogchamp


                                      : GZ Team Liquid, the winners of International 2017! You want to be a pro too ? Check coaching and other services(discount code: LIQUID): https://BOOSTORE.NET

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        they buffed the amount of coins u get from silt so now if u beat everything u get 345 + all the coins u found(i think we find about 10 on avg)
                                        i think thats more than enough for us to not be worried about farming actually

                                        oh wait u aslo get 100 for beating the boss so we're sitting @ 450 after every successful run

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                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          ok guys i got us the deso god bless valve developers



                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                comments under this video gave me cancer ty

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  where are fucking sdam and triplagay i wana go SL­UT BREAKER ACT TWO




                                                      Rocanten Rocantenvor 1 Tag
                                                      такое неизбежно в стране где ВЫ все устранились от заботы о своей жизни.
                                                      вы голосуете за тех кто вас уничтожает а потом удивляетесь....
                                                      Antworten 554

                                                      Николай Фvor 1 Tag
                                                      Походу всем вооружаться надо, спасибо кремленоидам за то что напускали в страну всякое г-но


                                                        so is every got episode gonna get leaked?

                                                        me, government hooker

                                                          i hope so im going to france in 3 days for 1 week and i wont be able to dload the last episode on 28th and theres a 200% chance some mongol is going to spoil me

                                                          me, government hooker

                                                            like what the fuck is this bullshit every 10 mins something like this pops up


                                                              Yowai Mo

                                                                @alison fuck you with the spoiler
                                                                on the plus side i'm glad that he dies

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                                                                Yowai Mo


                                                                    slashstrike mods commenting on my profile ROFL

                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                      @aimstrong it might not be true ive read a lot of shit in that trade chat and 90% of them were not true


                                                                        turns out the dragons name is garrison and that he is a pacifist. he refuses to kill anyone, can you believe it?


                                                                          le reddit army has arrived

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            after valve almos instantly fixed a few minor things reddit complained about they started making "petitions" for every single damn thing


                                                                              17:50 xntNova: nice manners ur mods have commenting on my profile asking me to kill myself
                                                                              17:51 SlashStrike: @xntNova sorry i dont recognize u, whats ur main nick?
                                                                              17:52 xntNova: im the sb from ur game, are u gonna ban me for "intentionalyl feeding" now
                                                                              17:53 MaSTeR_Dotaa: ROFL
                                                                              17:53 MaSTeR_Dotaa: i dont want premuted ppl here
                                                                              17:53 You are now permanently banned from talking in slashstrike.

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                Wait... carry only sorry = spunki?


                                                                                  alenari, florian and atakan,
                                                                                  can u paly tomorrow at 6 or 7 pm CET (8 to 9 Moscow time)?


                                                                                    i mean siltbreaker

                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      Ye I can play, I'm mostly free all day in the weekdays unless something happens.

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        i thought we were playing today too though

                                                                                        Yowai Mo

                                                                                          i never cringed so hard

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                                                                                            sam said he cant

                                                                                            Yowai Mo

                                                                                              rip sam

                                                                                              Yowai Mo
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                                                                                                  is it gay porn?


                                                                                                    i hope so


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