General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    fedora is decent

    although i hate linux either way, fedora is one of the more pleasant distros to use


      one syllable anglo-saxon

        Hi guys,been reading some post then created my own idea how to deal with current mmr reporting system. Here's breakdown. It looks like Lynching people fair way. 1. Valve should create videoeditor inside game to create 10-30 sec videoclips containing reported person activities to prove that(ruiner,afk,breaking items etc) 2.Every person who wants to play MMR.MUST Watch 1 video before he can start searching a game.And make his could be YES(GUILTY) or NO. 3.Theres should be limit to how many people can judge 1 game. a) Lets pretend 10 guys must say their opinion. if 7 of them said YES then the rest(3) receiving penalty(could be 1 hour ban or 5hr ban,because 7>3. b) All Videoclips should have no exposed Nicknames,SteamID's,Avatar Pics so you cant recognize person to make it non-biased. c)All judging based on mmr,higher mmr can watch and judge lower ones to reduce searching time for video to judge.It could be 6k juding 4k.But 4k cant judge back 5-7k. d)People that gon judge didnt played that match. 4) Person that created videoreport will get ban instead of reported guy if People Court will decide that theres no grounds to punish based on video. 5)It is up to you to take liability to punish person or get punished if you are liar. 6) duplicate cant be created for the same guy ,first come = first you should talk to teammates whos gon report him. 7)Valve need some sort of IP,hardware detection for people who have multiple accounts(i assume it could detect if certain SSD disk switched to second account right after ban was received on first account on that SSD.And trace it if it was dota2 game and mmr related it might ban your second acc right away. b) if it was mistake and it was some LAN club.then they should write email or report to hotline to resolve it asap. Personally i would sacrifice 1 minute before each MMR game to do this to get rid of people drowning the game.And i definitely wouldnt risk my personal game access if i didnt knew who am i reporting not knowing who was that. I believe Lynching is self-curing long lasting system that will straighten everything and will remove that abuse of current reports system. Ya thoughts guys ? @Valve PLEASE READ THIS THRU GABE NEWELL > THANKS!


          people unironically using "ya" or "yall" should be sent to gas chambers immediately


            alenari i made a smurf acc so probably wont join u this week, maybe next

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              too bad

              ill have to find some1 for bc this weekend then

              arin u in? i wont hold u back i promise =)


                what can we even win in battlecups? shards? and if so how many


                  i didn't even think that you'd consider playing with me

                  sure, i'll play

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                      its part of their contract to not be toxic/tards/racists or whatever, idk what the outrage about the fines is about


                        wake me up when Tinder Plus comes


                          wake me up when september ends

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            well OWL themselves made a skit and pretty much called a player "cancer" but obviously that was "fine" because it was made by blizzard themselves. and the casters being retarded and constantly shitting on bad teams is also fine apparently. honestly OWL's fake professionalism is the worst shit i have ever seen. why cant they just be like fucking TI.

                            Potato Marshal

                              Overwatch :sick:

                              me, government hooker


                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  oneANGRYgamer!!! >:(

                                  me, government hooker


                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      dam fucking SJWs make me so A N G E R Y im gonna burst!


                                        doesnt matter whether its fake professionalism or not, a contract is legally binding, and they breached their contracts

                                        im a lawyer btw

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          OMEGALUL W L

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            Average Overwatch player:

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                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              pretty sure thats a troll


                                                do i get banned from overwatch if i buy a mercy dakimakura and post it on my social media with link to my blizz account

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  u know what

                                                  im glad this lad got fined

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    that one is probably a troll, but there are people that legit believe saying "gg ez" should be bannable. xqc looks like he legit has some mental issues. the way acts, talks and everything, its just fucking weird. honestly its just a waste of time for him anyway. he regularly pulls 10k+ viewers, that number is fucking gigantic for overwatch. he can easily be more happy and make more money from streaming compared to OWL. the entire dallas fuel team is a fucking meme at this point. almost all of them are a part of a different controversy.


                                                      checking out dotabuff, first thing i read is fedora is decent lmao


                                                        do you use arch or something? rofl

                                                        i mean it's brought down by the fact that any linux is obnoxious to use but fedora was one of the distributions that made me tear out the least amount of hair

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                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          I don't know why Overwatch players are so mentally unstable compared to Dota players.

                                                          a god among feeders

                                                            Fedora is corporation-tier garbage working with the NSA and secret services.
                                                            Install Gentoo and compile sources by yourself.


                                                              i don't care

                                                              compiling sources is like the last thing that i'd ever want to do

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                                                                URE A CUCK LORD

                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  Who cares about computer nerd shit? I can go on the internet, watch videos and play my games that's good enough for me.


                                                                    because i need to care about that shit if i want to graduate


                                                                      Schwi best girl

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        WutFace dont google miracle tinker WutFace


                                                                          ^good sir may I bing it?


                                                                            does anyone know how often do the legacy sets in plus rewards change?

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                                                                                i have to fight for pos 4 in half of my games

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  yeah everyone seems to be obsessed with pos 4 but no one wants pos 5

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    pos4 mains :puke:

                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      using the word "main" in a dota related discussion :puke:

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        not calling pos mains mains because its dota :puke:

                                                                                        me, government hooker

                                                                                          dota :puke:


                                                                                            sure wish i had ur issues guys


                                                                                              :puke: :puke: