General Discussion

General Discussionmy Spectre hit 87th

my Spectre hit 87th in General Discussion

    nothing.. just the 1st time i made my Spectre hit Top 100.
    and because im having a hard time going beyond 4.5K #sad


      How do you build him/her?

      Do you rush a naked radiance, a few items before it, or skip it entirely for stuff like diffusal etc?


        spec is a female afaik


          im annoyed


            remember when there were countless vanguard spectre threads with intense debates as to whether you should get it or not?


              must feel really good to qualify to the top 100 ranking by stacking! and cheating the system


                before vanguard got nerfed ? oh yeah totally remember


                  Ayy Benao, how can you stack and gain or lose MMR at the same time xD?

                  This guy loses more often than he wins by stacking too, so if anything, he's being held back from a higher position by stacking. The Top 100 is still bullshit though.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Looks like phase and radiance every game, rest is too hard to see a pattern looks like it depends on game. There's some vanguard, diffusal, heart, urn, blade mail all thrown in pretty regularly.


                    His skill build looks different every game too.


                      im talking about radiance every game, this guy isnt playing fair games!


                        anyone really playing right now KNOWS safelane is the worst lane and yet he manages to get it -> not real games --> aka cheating -> no need to feel proud about anything


                          2 cents


                            No need to hate Benao.

                            Spectre is a really tough hero to play. Do you know how hard it is to just afk safelane farm and attempting to win late game and ignore skill differences by pressing R once you've amassed a farm difference? Give the guy some credit.

                            In all seriousness, the top 100 rankings are flawed and everyone knows that. If he wants to be happy about it, then whatever, it's his problem. It's his own achievement.

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                            Bad Intentions

                              Good job man :D its nice to hit the rankings, same feeling when my veno hit 21st a couple months ago lol


                                lol. lololololol.
                                if anyone is aware of how the meta works right now, there is no such thing as AFK safelane farm anymore.
                                if it does happen, it means your teammates are snowballing the enemy by themselves.

                                and yes, how i wish i can stack with friends every game and use Spectre.
                                I play more Solo queue than Party queue at the moment.
                                she is my default hero when climbing solo queue, i then adjust depending on hero picks.

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                                  Are you seriously arguing about the difficulty of playing a carry... comparing safelane farm and a warded jungle to the other roles? Midlane, supporting and offlane?

                                  You can think what you want. I already said its your own achievement lol. I don't say the worlds fastest rapper is stupid, they did become best in the world for something. There was no sarcasm at that part. Anyway, ironic you play it off as 'nothing' and then get all defensive and then try to imply its an awesome thing.

                                  Create a thread to brag. Ignore positive comments like people congratulating you or asking you on how to play the hero. Instead try to tell those who don't think its impressive that its actually really impressive.


                                    benao = salt monster confirmed?

                                    just a sloth

                                      playing a good carry isn't easy just cuz its not mechanically intensive


                                        Playing a good carry means being able to deal when things don't always go according to plan.

                                        Sometimes safelane gets fucked over, sometimes you don't have supports meaning no wards. Your team might be getting rekt and there is no space being made for you and your jungle is getting invaded constantly. Even then a good carry's job is to have the awareness to avoid deaths and spot or create farm for himself.

                                        There are even carry heroes that can turn the tides without having big items, e.g. a good Juggernaut managing to ball or a Gyro landing a sweet ulti. Ironically, a Spectre has the least influence over the early game because his skill set offers little room for making plays. Your job is to get fat and rightclick. There is no well timed stun or anything you can do. The best is pop by to assist with your ult.

                                        But you know what? Everything you need to be a good carry, you need them in every other role and more. You need even more awareness as a support so you can ward safely and avoid dying as a squishy. In offlane, you're essentially dealing with a fucked lane all the time. And in midlane your job is control the game momentum. I'm being really basic with describing them but you get the point...

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                                          @Bedazzle chill dude. Everything's cool. You can react to what I posted but im not allowed to react to what you say?

                                          I just rebutted the fact that you said safelane carry = afk farm.
                                          My answer is simple, based on experience, most of the time, in this meta, there's no such thing as afk farm anymore. If it does happen, it means my teammates is snowballing already.

                                          Now you're bringing in a whole other dimension of carries vs mid vs offlane? Lol

                                          That's a different issue you got there boy. Why, do you play Spectre as mid or offlane?



                                            just played a 4.4k MMR solo queue match.
                                            if you have time, watch this.

                                            - I muted Clockwerk during the 1st 30 seconds because of some shit stuff he's saying to ES
                                            - I got a Necrophos farming ancient
                                            - I trash talked my ES support during the 1st minute for going brainless aggressive against an off-lane WindRanger who killed us
                                            - I muted ES
                                            - Necro told ES to leave me because I TT him
                                            - I muted Necro
                                            - enemy team outfarmed and snowballed in the 1st 30 minutes, they got all T1 towers, WindRanger w/ Maelstrom + Scepter, Lina w/ Euls + Scepter, Storm w/ Orchid

                                            and I manage to get my Radiance @ 30:24 - which is a little bit late in pub games.
                                            started 1-4 but still ended with a WIN and a 17-4-21 KDA

                                            Did I afk farmed? Probably yes, but that was after getting my radiance.
                                            Was AFK farming the "main" reason why I was able to get my radiance?
                                            You decide.

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                                                read what I typed to andrenaught

                                                anyway like I said, if you think you're very good at spectre and it takes skill to use him, then good for you?


                                                  @Kitrak.. a lot.

                                                  @Bedazzle I agree to that recent post of yours except for 1 tiny detail.

                                                  Maybe it's really all about knowing about what a hero can do and how it aligns to your overall game objective, and here's mine:
                                                  In 3k - 4K MMR range:
                                                  - 80% of the games will go beyond 40 minutes (rough estimate based on personal experience)
                                                  - Imo, Spectre can have about 75% win chance if game gets extended to 45 minutes or more.
                                                  - As per Dotabuff, In my last 50 Spectre games which lasted for more than 40 minutes, I won 38 of them. That's 70% win rate for all 238 matches.
                                                  - Win rate drops to 64% for games which lasted for more than 30 minutes.. and 63% win rate for games more than 20 minutes.

                                                  in 4-4.5K MMR range:
                                                  - I feel though that snowball games happen more often, maybe only 65% of the games I played went beyond 40 minutes. (will probably check this later via dotabuff as well)

                                                  But anyhow, What does this mean? Simple. I just need to make sure that the game gets dragged to 40 mins or more.
                                                  Now the challenging and learning part is to find ways on how to do it.

                                                  Based on experience, I just have to find ways on how I can get the most out of her skill set.
                                                  The global presence, innate tankiness, and that phasing through unpassable terrains - gives me a lot of flexibility on how I can extend the game to more than 40 minutes!. Don't think about winning yet. It's all just about extending the game.

                                                  To me, this is what Spectre can do other than afk farm.
                                                  + TANK Tank tank!! (see the previous match link I posted)
                                                  + Join every team fight
                                                  + Create Space by attracting gankers and then TPing/hiding at the right time
                                                  + Global Urn of Shadows also means Global KS

                                                  This is why you can see that I have flexible item and skill builds, high level categorization would be:

                                                  Early to Mid game
                                                  1. Standard Spectre
                                                  - Vanguard + Phase + 1 point disperse
                                                  - then Radiance
                                                  - Use when have easy laning phase and no snowballing hero from enemy
                                                  2. "Battle Ready" Spectre
                                                  - Urn + Aquila + Phase + 1 point disperse
                                                  - then Radiance
                                                  - Use when have easy laning phase BUT enemy has strong mid game potential
                                                  3. "Thorns" of Spectre
                                                  - Vanguard + BladeMail + Treads + max disperse
                                                  - then Radiance
                                                  - Use when there's a contested laning phase and enemy has strong mid game potential

                                                  Late game
                                                  4. "Anti-Mage" Spectre
                                                  - Diffusal + Heart
                                                  5. Standard Spectre
                                                  - Heart + Manta
                                                  6. Samurai Spectre
                                                  - Blademail + Butterfly

                                                  There's very niche permutations on top of these options but it just goes to show that there's a lot more flexibility to Spectre than just saying AFK FARM.

                                                  I might actually build detailed guides on her in the in-game menu.

                                                  EDIT: Above post only considers the context of "Ranked Games" meta, mostly "Solo Queue". It doesn't consider the Pro scene. I'm not by any means comparing Spectre to other heroes. I'm just stating the best options on how to maximize her.

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                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                    Yo Black nice spec builds man. I do get fancy if the game permits me with spec, i use her sometimes lol i actually like getting innate damage items on her and not getting illu damage. But hey youre in the top 100 man im not so yours works better ofcourse :D


                                                      spec can have high impact early game you guys have issues

                                                      cookie monster


                                                        lm ao

                                                          SEA @_@

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Aren't the rankings per hero? So like he's 87th of all spectres? So why all the hate on his play style suited for spectre? It sounds like you are saying well of course spec is an easy hero compared to storm or qop middle. But the rankings are per hero not spectres vs storms. So I don't get the point. Is it more impressive if he rushes vanguard and diffusal and never gets radiance? You play the hero most effectively period.


                                                              Actually spectre has presence and should join fights with haunt from lvl 6 on. Dont know whats your problem with the carryrole. Every carry has to farm early on to have impact later on. The amount of farm needed varies from carry to carry. Spectre is one of the very few natrual radiance carriers.

                                                              Radiance is the most uncomfortable core item to get, since its comes in 2 big chunks (esp the relic).

                                                              Spectre is pretty versaitle to play. The builds mentioned above are all valid.

                                                              My most fav is:

                                                              Phase+Aquila+Roh into Radiance




                                                              Works pretty good the last 6 Month.


                                                                ^ I used to include Refresher as one of my alternate builds

                                                                But decommissioned it when I lost one game where I went Standard Spectre --> Radiance then straight Refresher.

                                                                We were ahead by quite a good margin and they had soft heroes with dps potential.
                                                                Killing them off with double haunt was doable.. but that was until they turned it around by winning 1 clash after another
                                                                They started to ignore the dps coming from double haunt and I cannot tank their damage anymore.
                                                                They steamrolled and got a come from behind win.

                                                                Had I built heart right away, I would have still killed them by fighting face to face. But the silly me wanted to brag and kill them just by using my illusions.

                                                                I think Refresher is more of a Tier 4 or Tier 5 item when Radiance --> Diffu --> Heart/Manta can't finish the game off.


                                                                  Because I don't like the hero itself?

                                                                  I don't like that theres 2 passive skills and no skill shots or skills you can place well e.g. chronosphere. Her kit is horrible for for seizing control, you essentially push everything your teammates. There's no spin into omnislash or a well timed gust early game. You throw a Q from a distance and hope the fight is going well enough than you can walk in and hit.

                                                                  Other 'dumb' heroes like Sniper require positioning. Spectre does not. The hero is built around being lenient for mistakes that are fatal for other carries. You're tanky, you can pop into fights from anywhere meaning you don't even have to be conscious about rotating with your team like a Troll, powerful escape skills (TWO OF THEM).

                                                                  The worst of all is what happens when you finally farm up? You press R and mad rush rightclick someone in teamfights.

                                                                  The very fucking hero is cancer. It is THE EASIEST HERO in dota.

                                                                  I honestly think it's only a matter of time before the hero is reworked into a more fun kit just like how all other imbecile heroes like old razor, old riki, old bloodseeker and old phantom lancer. The hero can be reworked so easily while keeping the same core concept but as it is, Spectre is a hero where you focus on farming and rightclick people and pray for the best.

                                                                  I don't bloody mind the fact you're a good spectre. I mind the fact you insist that there is much more depth to the hero than there really is. If a person is number 1 in the world for rock-paper-scissors, he damned be proud of it instead of making it sound like he's the number 1 for chess.

                                                                  Spectre is simple. The playstyle is simple. You have apparently gotten really good at effectively playing that simple way. I think thats cool, I don't think its cool that you try to make it sound like its really hard to use the hero.

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                                                                      If spectre is as simple to play as @Bedazzle states, why isn't she picked as often as Bloodseeker or Leshrac in this patch?

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                                                                          how are we still debating on whether or not a double passive no skill shot carry

                                                                          is complex

                                                                          or simple

                                                                          whatever I feel like a broken recorder trying to explain it to some kid who repeatedly brings up bias logic, not gonna care about this anymore


                                                                            I feel like you're trying to convince you're better than everyone else simply because you prefer more "complex" heroes that are harder to use. If i'm not mistaken, the point of Dota is to win games and he seems to be doing just fine with Spectre regardless whether he's a simple hero or not. @Bedazzle.
                                                                            Also @BlackXargon Bedazzle is technically right saying that you only have to press two buttons for your abilities but it's not like pressing 4 buttons automatically makes you any better a Dota player, nor have a greater effect on the outcome of the game.


                                                                              What mmr are you? I'm trying to get to diamond division however I'm still only plat 8 at 4.6k

                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                Man every hero is hard! lol

                                                                                This needs hero by hero comparison tbh.

                                                                                If its sniper and spec, man id have to go to sniper in terms of needing better positioning, being soft and no natural escape mech.

                                                                                But yo black, grats being top 84th in the world man! Now aim for that top 50! 😀

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                                                                                  lol the whole system was / is fucked up. When I had ~5k MMR I played in Diamond 10 for some reason.


                                                                                    @BlackXargon I'm a Spec player myself and I've been going Phase>Vanguard>Radiance for a while now since it's so hard to find a decent lane with farm in low MMR. It keeps me tanky enough to join fights way before I come online and also jungle if lanes are being ganked. What build would you recommend if finding farm is hard early game?



                                                                                      Based on experience, I just have to find ways on how I can get the most out of her skill set.
                                                                                      The global presence, innate tankiness, and that phasing through unpassable terrains - gives me a lot of flexibility on how I can extend the game to more than 40 minutes!. Don't think about winning yet. It's all just about extending the game.

                                                                                      To me, this is what Spectre can do other than afk farm.
                                                                                      + TANK Tank tank!! (see the previous match link I posted)
                                                                                      + Join every team fight
                                                                                      + Create Space by attracting gankers and then TPing/hiding at the right time
                                                                                      + Global Urn of Shadows also means Global KS

                                                                                      This is why you can see that I have flexible item and skill builds, high level categorization would be:

                                                                                      Early to Mid game
                                                                                      1. Standard Spectre
                                                                                      - Vanguard + Phase + 1 point disperse
                                                                                      - then Radiance
                                                                                      - Use when have easy laning phase and no snowballing hero from enemy
                                                                                      2. "Battle Ready" Spectre
                                                                                      - Urn + Aquila + Phase + 1 point disperse
                                                                                      - then Radiance
                                                                                      - Use when have easy laning phase BUT enemy has strong mid game potential
                                                                                      3. "Thorns" of Spectre
                                                                                      - Vanguard + BladeMail + Treads + max disperse
                                                                                      - then Radiance
                                                                                      - Use when there's a contested laning phase and enemy has strong mid game potential

                                                                                      Late game
                                                                                      4. "Anti-Mage" Spectre
                                                                                      - Diffusal + Heart
                                                                                      5. Standard Spectre
                                                                                      - Heart + Manta
                                                                                      6. Samurai Spectre
                                                                                      - Blademail + Butterfly

                                                                                      There's very niche permutations on top of these options but it just goes to show that there's a lot more flexibility to Spectre than just saying AFK FARM.

                                                                                      I might actually build detailed guides on her in the in-game menu.


                                                                                        My Spectre at 54th right now :) but my MMR back down to 4.1k lol


                                                                                          ^I don't want to be a dick but what does spectre do other then farming and pressing R once u have some stuff?

                                                                                          but gratz on the hero ranking!

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                                                                                            i have a dream

                                                                                            a dream that makes this hero who can make no plays

                                                                                            make a big play

                                                                                            i long for the day someone posts a video on spectre doing bankai shit and dodging 3 stuns in the middle of a fight by relocating around the battlefield