General Discussion

General DiscussionI still sucking

I still sucking in General Discussion

    I lost 400 mmr a few weeks ago then grinded back 200 only to lose the 200 again . Should I just switch to support since I am sucking so bad?


      The problem is not that playing cores in our mmr is hard, it is that playing support is even harder :/

      Maybe just switch to off and try to carry/semicarry/create space from there? I mean, your most played heroes are carry-type ones, so those should be your best ones -> switching to support would make no sense imho


        I may give offlane a shot more I currently at 3k fell from 3.4 k


          +/-500 is just random deviation, why would you even bother

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            High skill -> Normal skill

            It hurts


              ^these are just titles, they only reflect the mmr percentile. there is more difference between 3600 and 3250 than between 3250 and 3150.

              Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                You have to be very, hm, how to say that... Very "hard" with yourself. Don't forgive yourselfe anything, any mistake, try to learn a lot, don't look at your mates, play your game, try to understand how your ennemies end your allies think and play, always look at the map thinking where the ennemy could be, and shit like that.

                Just get better. You always have to in dota anyway


                  I know your pain. I went from 3000 to 4000 in about a month and a half. Having that 4k was my goal for a super long time before that and then I lost it, dropped all the way down to 3500. I think you should play really strong heros Lesh, BS, BH, WW, Tusk, stick with it man! Don't give up! I be persistent and don't give up!


                    On a 9-1 win streak so got 200 back half way there!


                      Aww streak ended had Megas and throne with 30 hp :( one more baby hit


                        I am legitly a bit sad to lose this game


                          I gained like 100 mmr with undying and spectre one day haha IM at 3.6k now...... I would say just pick whatever your team needs, but also always try to pick the role your best at. If it looks like someone else wants that role try to pick around that. Other than that ya man your in normal skill you gotta put the team on your fucking back.....Really just try to look at what mistakes you made, not just your team I mean you can still blame your team if they are just dogshit but at the same time always try to look at your own fuckups


                            won two more back into high skill ;)


                              How about learn to actually play instead of picking broken heroes and inflating your mmr? You're just gonna ruin the game for everybody else later on when you don't get your hero. If you're at 3k you don't even have the basics of laning, let alone midgame or lategame, you don't have reaction, you can't lasthit, don't know how to farm efficiently. How about spend a week of training a few hours and only one game per day and then try to play your games again? It should feel A LOT easier than it is now.


                                I am playing broken heros? I have actually played a wide range of heros during this win streak filling whatever role is needed carry mid support , offlane I think the versatility is helping my teamates play what ever they most comfortable at. Other than that only other thing id say is I am trying to lead my team better taking objectives like tower and roshan. Not sure if ur post was directed at me . Anyways I think I wanna start playing more support, I gotta learn how to stack better and double pull. I am starting to think playing support for awile will get me more gains in experience than my usual carry role .

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                                  ... Exactly what I said in my post.
                                  You don't want to learn during the games as a support how to play support.
                                  You want to learn beforehand in private lobbies, etc.
                                  It's way faster and more efficient. Spen a week learning with a few games in and out – you will immediately notice the changes in your actual games


                                    Are you saying training with higher mmr players? Or just training in some non ranked games

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                                      I like to train in unranked a lot I can get a feel for what works what dosnt..,..... try new heroes... Just come back to ranked when you notice some real improvements to your game

                                      Bad Intentions

                                        Yo filthy, lets celebrate when u get to hs man! beer ok? 😀


                                          private lobby = create lobby with 0 player practice mechanics and timings i think

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                                   beer time! 3.3 k 4 more wins until everything I lost is back ;)


                                              boom highest mmr achieved by 2 points now and still climbing ;) did this playing all roles / w/ different heros too.