General Discussion

General DiscussionAny hero you've had a history of being bad but turned around to be su...

Any hero you've had a history of being bad but turned around to be successful with? in General Discussion

    I got 55% winrate on Anti-Mage, hooray. This is what I had to start with:


      yeah every single hero

      i started as noob in this game and then as i played i got better at every single hero


        i had around 28-29% winrate with earth spirit at like 50-60 games.
        then i got blessed by the imbalance


          qop/ta/storm. all 3 of them had really bad win rates. by really bad i mean less than 30%. yet, i got better at them and after all they boosted my mmr from low 3k to low 4k.

          -improved my farm and rat abilities. saw some pro guy forcing deso instead of blink and farming ancients at low lvl.

          -improved my mid skills. creep manipulating, upperground harrass etc

          -improved farm and item decision. went from classic build to deso/cuirass/bkb carry style. ez rat



            I lost 12 out of my first 13 matches but my recent streak has been 5 wins out of 6. Still a long way before I can say I'm good with the hero but I'm getting the hang of him and starting understand how to play him


              Shadwo feeddd


                34% or 44% winrate with bloodseeker that I turned round into 60% in Ranked, Pre buff.

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  I lost my first 8 games of bristleback and had a winstreak of 8 on him right after. It was pretty weird.
                  My venge used to have very low winrate too, but now it's one of my most successful heroes.

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                    templar, earth spirit, storm


                      Started with sub 40 % win rate with slark at like 36 games then raised up to 53% and now my most reliable carry hero. Am started at like 25% raised up to past 50% before falling a bit under 50%

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                        Swap Commends

                          invoker now winning literally every game as him


                            HOLY SHIT


                            and how do i win as invoker?

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                              Swap Commends

                                you cant learn invoker fast you need to play alot games ,i think that hes best hero right now i am owning 5-6k players ( sometimes 7k if queueing late)
                                just dont get midas no matter how behind or if you are winning mid just go euls and then euls+ meteor+blast+ ss combo their carry/mid or if you are behind go on supports
                                with euls you can stop other team carries from farming ,with midas you just farm for late but invoker cant out farm heroes such as storm/gyro/leshrac/bs
                                but with euls you can stop them from farming+ get farmed yourself very fast
                                also i usually get 2null talismans at the start and i get lvl 2 exort at lvl 3 because with 2 nulls+ lvl 2 exort at lvl 3 it makes so easy to lh under tower
                                and if you get to very late game you get refresher + lvl 25 mega blast ,usually team carries have 5 sec bkb's at that point and trust me its so easy to win late game as invoker unless you have 4 very bad players that have no idea what they are doing


                                  fefelanche, nebeisivaizduok, kad invokeri palosi xDXDXDXDX kas is to tavo eulo, kai surinksi eula - tau barakus griaus daugiau nei puse dotu

                                  Swap Commends

                                    tavo latest game su invoker buvo pries 3 menesius su 12 deaths

                                    saving private RTZ

                                      Meepo, i started pretty rough, then i started to learn a bit and now i have a 70% winrate ( though only Meepo)

                                      Oh and anti-mage as well, i used to suck ass at him ( and i still do lel) but now he is my best hero

                                      lm ao

                                        I left this account a few months ago to smurf with TA winrate at 5W 20L XD

                                        Now I'm at 38%



                                          i pretty much fucked him up when i wasnt really used to silencer and how it works to fuck the enemies in lane, ended up at 50% (and i called this bad lel)

                                          now guess what, 80+% in 21 games for this month, used it correctly and itemized really well in most situations, and inflated my mmr with it. it is fucking imba hero so calling 50% bad is pretty fair.


                                            el stormerino


                                              Ember, I had like my first 10 games were losses iirc. But then I asked my friend who was a disgusting ember picker to coach me on it and I adjusted to his playstyle


                                                None. Started shit on every hero, still shit with every hero


                                                  Shadow Fiend. I tried playing him a lot about a year ago, got absolutely shit on. Random him twice, dominate. Play him a few times on my higher rated alt, do well.