Vid looked entertaining, but it's hardly legit
I mean he's got a total of 19 ranked games on tb, and he went for diff items every game
I watched the video and is he playing against complete morons or what? How do you get yourself killed as Lesh, Puck and TA to a fucking TB?
the vid just a highlight of these games
Actual info
I'm a chink who plays bad video games but I apparently have a non-chink accent. Also I have 6k mmr (better jot that down on my resume)
All I do is play a lot of earth spirit and build dagon. Being a NEET, you can expect this stream to run daily and I will happily stream unamusing content to your heart's desire. This mostly means dota 2 SEA ranked matches, TF2, and sometimes heavily modded Skyrim, Fallout or Dark Souls
He just said sheepy was 6k mmr.
And ironically all the enemy mids were probably thinking the same thing. "lol this idiot trying terrorblade mid" and then they die :|
Yeah I didn't see that, still he has like 500 ES games, not really a true MMR.
i mean how do you actually die with lesh to tb?
you use your lightning shit 2 times and he is half hp, if you can land a stun = he dead son.
if you die as lesh mid to tb you have to reconsider playing dota 2
I think sheepy already explained about how everyone underestimates the hero and treats it like shit so he gets a lot of kills he shouldn't be getting because they do stupid things.
It seems he's reliant on getting an early kill with a PMS+Boots rush when the enemy has a basic null or naked bottle at levels 2/3 where metamorph rightclick does much more than the level 1 nukes of the enemy midlaner.
I still find if shutdown, he's absolute trash cuz the enemy mid can instagib you but everyone has the mentality that it'll be easy, basically what both of you are thinking and then sheepy makes use of that. Well since he's 6k most of these games he's against a lower mmr mid I suppose.
Cool, might try to go super aggressive TB in lane now. I mean it usually doesn't work cus you safelane tb and he can't chase offlaners, but vs a non mobile mid I can see the kills coming. I wonder if offlane TB with a babysitter might work. Imagine going TB vs like a spectre lane lawl.
theres alot of clinkz mid ?
qop that has no mana to blink seemed like 3k player material
quite fishy but i might try that somehow if il get my hands on playing mid in solo que
Unless you're the highest MMR on the team by quite a bit I imagine your team would force you to safelane if you picked TB
Well but say you never heard of this guide and you end up playing against a terrorblade mid in this patch
there's like no way you would assume it might be a tough lane
to me, I'm just going to try it out cuz it looks fun
Tried it in party game. With PMS he is nearly immune to right clicks & harass with Q is quite strong. I think he can be the next top tier mid if he gets 1 major buff, coz even now he is v. strong there if u can protect him from ganks.
TB is actually pretty hard for physical dps to deal with cus his armor's so high, and then if you underestimate how much dmg meta does you might be screwed. Like clinkz was. But put an actual good sf in there and he can kill him with a couple razes.
just pick bs if u want a mid laner whos got amazing harass, plus bs is unharassable so theres that
meh, any mid is legit at under 3k imo. but lesh/qop/ta/lina rekt him before he can do anything. as sunris guy said, you hit 2x light with lesh and hes half hp already.
i would rather play it as a carry on safe with some disablers supps for ez kills or on aggro tri.
edit: actually on a 2nd though its not that bad. i mean lesh/lina rekt any hero mid if you dont play it good and get hit by every lightning/dragon slave thingie. tb has a huge dmg and slow. if you play it good and dodge their stuns this might actually be good. its kind of the same thing like tiny mid. a bad position for enemy and you got it.
I just wrecked a zeus on a tiny the other day cus he sucked at harassing (never hit me once with bolt, just the % lightning spam shit) and was out of position so many times. I'd just run uphill and toss combo him. So it all just depends. Even still the guy is winning 51% of games, it's not that good, the wins look great, the losses like shit.
Haha looks like a feast or famine tb, your farm will suffer by trading illus for reflection. Then again, he won 51% of his games by farming heroes.
>Farm heroes or get rekt
Will try for the hell of it!
By the way Arteezy played 2 games of mid terrorblade yesterday lol
NoobFromUA's highlights
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works because everyone thinks you're a retard including the enemies
so noone gangs you early game
then u firstblood enemy mid
he gets trashtalked by both teams
internal disputes
win game