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General Discussionhigher bracket

higher bracket in General Discussion
Napong 2nd *******

    how do i get to very high skill bracket? been stuck in high skill bracket for weeks in my smurf account.

    and what do you think the mmr will be?

    my main account is normal skill bracket, with 2024 solo mmr.


      Find Very High players and que with them. Otherwise - maybe you can't do it.

      If you are close to Very High, and really think you can make it - then pick your best high impact, high win % heroes and spam them.

      You have very few games on this account so it's hard to judge, but 40% winrate in High games and 25% winrate in Very High probably means Very High games things go too fast for you and you will consistently lose them.

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      casual gamer

        be higher skill


          ^ this


            2k is pretty bad. You likely will not make it to very high skill unless you put some real work in. I've powered through 2k to 4k

            First of all, your MMR is just a number and not at all representative of your skill level. This mindset actually had made me play better as I started off two months ago in the 2.8k MMR bracket having been 4k last year and coming back rusty. I didn't think I was bad, I only thought that the number wasn't matching my skill at all and I wanted to change that.

            1) Carry position
            The first thing I took the most care of were my farming mechanics if I were playing a carry. Did I last hit properly? Did I manage to pull aggro AND last hit? Do I still need work on last hitting under tower? Do I look at the timer so I stack a jungle camp before farming it? These are all important questions that must be integrated into your gaming habits and farm as efficiently as you can. Before 6.84 farming was key to success since gaining an advantage made the game all but won for you. The very first version of 6.84 really threw that out of the window but with 6.84 it is very much the truth again. Farm efficiently and use it to your advantage.
            Farming isn't the only thing though. You might be Black^ in terms of farming mechanics but if you lack proper map awareness, HOW are you going to survive so to use your advantage? Map awareness is very important. If you have tunnel vision and don't pay attention to what is happening in the other lanes, you won't progress as fast as you want to or at all. Always carry a TP scroll if your lane is in danger of if you see an opportunity for kills in another lane, granted that you transition it into a tower push and jungling. A habit I've developed is to take a quick look at the map after I last hit or deny. Trains your reflexes as well.
            Decision making is THE most important part of the late game but that does not mean you should neglect it in the earlier stages. Assess any given situation and ask yourselves questions. How can I help my team and is it worth it? What do I win and/or lose from the situation? What target should I focus during a teamfight? Should I initiate or come later? Should I go head on or flank?

            2) Support
            Be as active on the map as possible. NEVER NEVER NEVER waste a single second of staying idle in lane. What heroes is your carry laning against? How long should you protect him before you leave him in the lane? Should you swap lanes? The laning stage involves quick decision making and sets the tone for the rest of the game - you either are passive or aggressive.
            Stack-pulling is ideal if your lane has pushed a lot but do not do it if your lane isn't warded from danger properly. Wards are considered a given in this post so I won't talk about them any more. Single pull if your intention is to push the lane quickly, but your carry must find efficient farm from then on.
            Ganking mid is probably the most vital step for a support during the earlier stages of the game. Shutting down the solo core of the opposing team and then pushing his lane builds a big advantage for your team and is basically psychological in nature - the other opponents will be afraid when you are missing from the map and will play more passive as a result, hence you are creating space for your cores. Needless to say, smoke gank.
            During teamfights use your spells accordingly which comes with practice, really. Chain stunning a target is ideal if you have such spells, taking an important enemy out of the fight is crucial and POSITIONING. As a support your are more often underleveled and underfarmed than not so you should really find the optimal angle from which to cast your abilities - getting the most out of any situation with risking relatively little.
            A support should, as Puppey would say, make best situation out of no situation.

            3) Offlaner
            Depending on the opponents who are laning against you, you could either be passive or aggressive but it is generally advisable to just sap XP and wait until there is only one opponent in the lane to take advantage of you being a higher level than him and decimate him with your abilities. That is the offlaner in a nutshell, but generally there are many types of offlaners - those who stay in the lane until the team starts 5 manning so they can use their skills to best effect (Necro, Viper, Bristleback) and those who reach a certain point until they start ganking (Nyx, Bounty Hunter) and then there's those guys who want to make the farming carry's life a living hell (Timbersaw, Centaur).
            An offlaner should always try to sap XP from both the lane AND the jungle when the support is pulling IF he doesn't risk his life while doing so. Profit.
            Always be there for the important fights as your level advantage can be of great use to your team but play smart since you will have less farm more often than not and may not be THAT powerful to begin with.
            The offlane generally has one rule: DON'T DIE.

            4) Midlane: With 6.84 came a shift in the role of the midlaner once again. We may be seeing the recession of the farming mid in favour of the ganker, hence the return of some heroes like Templar Assassin in recent competitive matches. The reasons being the nerf to bottle crowing and the double rune spawn which tests the player's overall map awareness and skill, maybe even reflexes.
            Generally when you take up the midlane towards the 4k MMR bracket you should strive to play snowballing tempo controllers who constantly roam the map and MAKE STUFF HAPPEN. Generally if you pick a farming mid it MAY work in some matches but your teammates will look upon you as the one who should fix their lanes and gank accordingly. You must pick wisely and chances are that if you pick Naga Siren for mid lane, your teammates may pick farm dependant heroes and the line up suddenly becomes too greedy to do anything but pray that your opponents don't start slaughtering you like lambs.
            Whenever you see the opposing midlaner to be missing, make sure you carry a TP so you react to incoming ganks. DO NOT leave the lane as soon it is free - just free farm a wave or two, warn your allies to be careful and best case scenario is that no ganks happen and you get more farm and XP than your opponent does. Win.
            ONCE you gank (or if you are farming mid, once your supports gank your lane), strive for objectives. Push the tower at least to half health. Farm the jungle along the way. Just be efficient. Don't waste time going to the fountain at 1/2 HP. EXHAUST yourself to 1/10 HP and then go if needs be (just be careful if there's a Zeus or Spectre in the opposing team).
            With the built-in advantage you start snowballing and with 6.84 it is a factor once again and comebacks aren't as likely as they were in vanilla 6.84. Use the advantage and secure another successful gank, seal the deal with a tower and repeat with other lanes.

            5) Jungler: NEVER pick AFK junglers if you want to win your lanes. NEVER. The worst offender is jungle Legion Commander, one of the stronger laners in the game. I believe that the jungle is reserved for three heroes - Enigma, Chen and Enchantress who can make stuff happen at LEVEL 1, especially the latter two. Enigma is easily susceptible to ganks but the speed with which he farms ensures a fast Mekansm and fast objectives for your team. Not to mention that some ganks with Malefice at level 3 or 4 can win lanes.

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              I believe you need to go on an epic quest, first you must climb the mountain of death, then you must swim down the river of blood into the underworld. once you are there you will meet a three headed dog, he will ask you three questions, get them correct and you will be aloud to continue, otherwise, you die. finally you must traverse the underworld and hunt down the devil, you must kill him and cut open his giant man boobies. Inside them you will be find the substance you are looking for, it is called gud, and you must git it to complete your task.

              Pandamonium(You Died)

                Buy wards. You are a carry and you have no wards? Buy wards. Offlane? Still wards.
                Ez +250 mmr

                casual gamer

                  ^^ this shit

                  especially if ur mid and u want high ground vision just fly out a ward with ur boots or whatever

                  Napong 2nd *******

                    well thank you very much zero remorse, I wish I can give you dotabuff plus tho

                    Pol Pot of Greed

                      smoke weed every day