General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are your thoughts about randoming in ranked?

What are your thoughts about randoming in ranked? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Is the risk reward worth it? How do u advise ur team if they plan to random? thoughts?

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      casual gamer

        i think the rerandom feature in ranked makes it better than randoming in unranked tbh


          most of the time i random cores. so when i random i can just be like "oh what a shame guess i have to carry"


            First pick it's fine. I do it, makes the game more fun, sick of picking the same heroes and formula every game, sometimes it can hurt the MMR if you get bad luck and get heroes you truly can't use well, other times it pays off with an early bottle mid and you're immediately ahead from the start.

            It makes the game more thrilling for you, do it only as 1st or 2nd picks, anything after that and you're a selfish noob fgt

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              I do it a lot and it's good I think, let's your team pick around your hero. You obviously have to do it first two picks though.

              Dire Wolf

                No it fucking sucks, I can't remember the last time someone randomed and we won. And worse than that, people will panic random when timing is at 0 so you get no repick option and they get horrible shit like morph or meepo.

                My last game of the night last night guy randomed TB after timer was expired and we had 2 picks on the board. Of course we lost and he was TERRIBLE. I even offered to swap bloodseeker for his TB but nope, clueless.

                Even a fp random usually fucks your lanes, very rarely is it something you want on your team like a storm or lesh or blood or something. It'll be like a faceless void, something that pigeonholes your whole team into a playstyle you don't want. I wish they would just remove random option.


                  randoming in first 2 picks is completelöy fine, i played roaming tiny/jugger/invoker and it was pretty fun and won all those games rofl

                  Dire Wolf

                    it's still a 50/50 proposition, people get garbage heros they cannot play all the time.


                      they can always swap someone tho


                        i remember this game sand king randomed meepo first pick, and i swapped him and ez hehe



                          I first pick randomed Morphling. My team proceeded to pick no support heroes. So I supported on Morphling, I got the courier and 14 wards. I babysat spectre on safelane, morphed max strength, stacked camps, scouted with replicate every cd and absorbed a lot of ganks, split pushed later with replicates of spectre - and we won. Late game I could switch back to carry and we just get an extra carry hero.

                          Randoming in ranked is good if you can actually play a large range of heroes at your current MMR. But if you maxed out MMR spamming a few of your best heroes then randoming is a certain loss.

                          Dire Wolf

                            yeah and for every match like that there's one where morph tries to carry and fails or whatever. Or you just get weakass heroes like what if someone randoms shadow demon but you need stuns not his slow? Then what? Or randoms silencer vs no casters? Randoming is just bad. If we can say X hero is bad pub pick cus they have a 45% win rate vs Y hero with a 55% win rate then surely we can saying randoming is bad, it has to have under 50% win rate in pubs.