General Discussion

General DiscussionFinally climbing?

Finally climbing? in General Discussion

    Tnx guys, my MMR will be 5k in no time. 70% WR this patch no jinxerino pls


      nice nice nice!


        Man I woke up one day and said "What do retards do" so I loaded up a few of my games and watched them. It's changed my way of playing completely and I feel almost as if my body has been clensed. I've also been watching replay analysis's to help with my decision making as that is/was my worst attribute in dotes so let the climb begin.

        Edit: To all the other retards out there, there is hope you just have to accept the fact you're retarded and figure out why that is, for me it was a simple fix; for you who knows but never give up hope!

        Hope I inspire dotesbuffs players, tnx all.

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          I'll give you a tip, everytime you get retards in your team you take a break and go take a shower so you can clean yourself from all the bad things that happend, after that you will start completely fresh if you get retards again in team you repeat step 1, same for low priority.

          King of Low Prio

            You are still retarded

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                Lmao thanks guys, I'll be passing you soon Sampson get with the times huehuehue

                yung griphook

                  any more advice for retards who also want to climb? or is the ladder not big enough for us

                  plz do

                    ^ delete dota, get a lyfe.


                      @Major Lazer Figure out what you are doing wrong first by looking at your games, then fix what you're doing wrong. If you don't know what you're doing wrong then use the replay analysis videos on youtube or by guys like . Those videos will help pinpoint your weaknesses by watching him point out all of the weaknesses in other players. It's the fucking easiest way to learn dotes man for real.