General Discussion

General Discussionhow do people feed on doom offlane

how do people feed on doom offlane in General Discussion

    seriously how fucking awful do you have to be to not understand how to play a hero that heals you for 1000 hp per second and kills everything in the offlane role against shitty heroes like pa and rubick or rubick and wraith king rofl

    wish there was a way to set a minimum mmr that youd like to be queued with

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    the realm's delight

      whenever i play offlane i play against a trilane with a daazle or ww FeelsBadMan

      Giff me Wingman

        idk, doom does feed against a meepo, AA, ES trilane.

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          Last picking is 4 pussies

            Yeah if it's against a tri lane he could die but I guess the point is at some point you wouldn't feed and find your farm elsewhere.

            Offlane does get forgotten quite a bit by people in comfy no worries tri safelanes afterall.

            waku waku

              i died to a gyro+wd duolane last time
              what could i have done to prevent that?

              Giff me Wingman

                Camp until u get lv 3, run WD down, Profit.

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                    Can only die if they got tons of burst.
                    Either gyro meepo or some shit like 3 lane where they eventually wear you down.

                    Mind Games

                      Y can 5k people rant about their petty games and not get flamed X(

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                        Mind Games
